"Aren't you her assistant?" I said under my breath.

"I thought she didn't want to see me," He chuckled and pressed his tablet closed to his chest. "You're all we have, save us all pretty boy."

Alistair turned around and waved slightly as he walked back down the hallway. I looked down at lighter in palm, it was one of those box ones. Still, I didn't really know how I was going to just get her to smoke. Miss Roselyn didn't want anyone in there, last I checked I was apart of anyone.

"If you put me on fucking hold, I swear on my Momma I will- hell to the fuck no...Pierce!"

Well that was easy.

I slowly opened her office door and I could see Miss Roselyn leaning over her desk. Her back was facing me, her phone was tossed on the couch, and she let out a long sigh.

"Yes," I stepped inside and shut the door behind me. "Miss Roselyn?"

She scoffed and stood up straight before she turned around. "That bitch ain't that busy, she doesn't even do her job 90% of the time- fuck, I need another coffee..." Miss Roselyn muttered while chewing on her bottom lip. I held out my hand, showing her the box lighter.

She leaned back against her desk with a grin, "C'mere sweetheart."

I walked over to her, gripping the lighter tightly in my hand. Miss Roselyn phone began to ring as I stood closely in front of her, she searched through the pocket of her coat and pulled out a box of Black & Milds. "Probaby that bitch Bonnie tryna apologize...whatever, y'know ideally an old fashioned cigar would fit the mood right now but I like Black & Milds better." She joked as she set box on her lap and pulled a hair tie from her wrist.

Miss Roselyn tied her hair into a bun while looking up at me.

I gulped slightly as her deep brown eyes trailed down my body before focusing on my hand with the lighter.

We shouldn't be so close together.

She smiled and grabbed a cigar, stopping just before placing it in between her pouty lips. "Your eyes- they're the perfect green, sweetheart. I need a gem that color for this years autumn collection. But at this point who knows if I'll even get to create it?" She laughed softly and placed the cigar in between her lips, still snickering.

I flicked open the lighter and leaned down. My left hand was next to her thigh and I gripped the edge of the desk, lighting the flame under the tip of the cigar with my right.
"Y'know, I did read some of the contract Miss Roselyn," I admitted, our foreheads were practically touching and, fuck, blood was pumping. "I willingly agreed to prioritize your life over mine. As long as you have me around as your bodyguard then you don't have think like that- 'would make me feel shitty if you did."

We shouldn't be so close together.

I closed the lighter and took a step back while Miss Roselyn stared at me with wide eyes before blowing white smoke out of her lips.

"You want one, sweetheart?" She asked, nodding her head to the box of Black & Milds.

"No, it's fine."

"Oh? Well I won't push you," She sighed and pointed towards her phone. "Give me my phone and open a window while you're at it, would ya Pierce?"

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