The Harvest girls step forward and raise one hand each. Niklaus' feet leave the ground, and they make him fly into the wall, high above my head. Panic reenters my body as they keep him pinned there. Unable to move. He yells in anger and tries to use all of his supernatural strength to break the invisible restraints. But his arms just bounce back to the wall.

Genevieve leaves my side and Monique replaces her. My throat is becoming raw and dry from screaming, but I don't care. The pain is unbearable. Searing pain lights up my entire body more and more with every contraction. There's an extreme amount of pressure in my lower abdomen and pelvis.

"You should know this brings my no joy. I promise, I'll make this quick." Genevieve says. "Let's begin, shall we."

They drape a blanket over my lower half. "NO! NO!" I plead. "No, no, no,"

"I will bring hell to your doorstep!" Niklaus threatens violently. "I will bathe in rivers of your blood!"

The pressure is too much. I have no choice but to push.

"Come on, push." Genevieve says. "The baby's almost here. Okay. Now push." I didn't want to follow her instructions, but my body makes me. I'm sitting up as far as I can, my hands supporting me, and my knees bent. I scream and plead for them to please stop. Tears cover my cheeks mixing with layers of sweat.

"I can see the baby." Monique exclaims.

"You will die screaming!" Niklaus fumes.

"Gently. Gently." Genevieve guides. I clutch the sheet and scream, as my lower half continues to burn intensely. I feel her leave my body. Exhaustion floods me and I pant trying to regain my breath. My whole world stops when a cry sounds.

"My baby." I whisper going to sit up and reach for her. I don't get very far before the blinding pain returns. I gasp in surprise and let out a scream.

"What's happening?!" Nik questions desperately sounding panicked.

Genevieve passes our daughter to Monique and retakes her position at my feet. "Oh my." She breathes out.

"What?" I groan. "What is it?"

"Another baby." Genevieve replies in shock. My head snaps to Nik, who's eyes are wide in surprise. "Okay. Baby's coming fast." I let out a scream while leaning my body forward. "Push." I fall back as the contraction ends and push back my hair. The sweat and tears making it oily and chaotic. Another contraction hits and I propel my upper body forward again releasing a scream the dead could hear. Then, it's over. A second cry fills the air and I gasp in shock. "It's a girl." Genevieve informs us. I keep my eyes locked on both tiny humans. "You have two beautiful baby daughters." Genevieve announces holding one and Monique holding the other for Nik to see them.

Niklaus' face shows amazement, surprise, love, and fear as he looks at our daughters. Hayley had stopped her struggling to watch the miracle that is happening. Her eye wide and a small smile on her face. Even a few tears stream down her cheeks.

"We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky." Genevieve says.

"We'll have to take them both." Monique tells her.

"No." I plead. "Please. Please, just let me hold them." I beg.

Genevieve nods and walks over to me. I sit up straighter and hold my hands out. Monique follows her actions, as they both sit the two babies in my lap side-by-side. I rub circles on their arms with my fingers as I smile down at them. Their perfect little faces are scrunched up as they wail. I extend my neck to look up at Nik. He is already watching us in awe.

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now