"Josh!?" Davina exclaims kneeling at his side.

"I'm sorry." He says weakly as I step over him to stand in front of Josh and Davina.

"What happened?" Davina asks.

"Joshua went and got himself a werewolf bite. Well, a hybrid bite, technically, but it will kill him just the same." Nik suddenly appears. I glance at Josh, seeing the bite on his neck. Nik notices me and his face drops slightly for just a second before going back to his famous smirk and arrogance. "Kelsey, surprised to see you here."

"Yeah." I shrug. "As if I'd stand by while you come at my sister."

"Why are you doing this?" Davina pleads.

"I blame you." Nik turns his attention to Davina. "After all my overtures of friendship, you once again sided with Marcel, forcing me to do horrible things to someone you care about."

"Oh, spare us the dramatics." I scoff. "Marcel is her family. You truly expected her to take your side?" Niklaus steps closer.

"I have to get my point across somehow."

"You could try just talking to her." I say sarcastically. "Or I don't know, asking me to talk to her."

"You don't need to be in the middle of this." He speaks.

"You came after Davina." I snap. "That puts me in the middle. Now bite your wrist and heal Josh."

Niklaus kneels next to Josh and across from Davina. He looks at Davina and I watch him carefully.

"I'm not without mercy, Davina." He tells her causing me to scoff in disbelief. "I can cure him, but you have to cooperate and tell me where to find Marcel."

"Why, so you can kill him, too?" She counters.

"Marcel chose his path." Nik says. "Seems unfair that Josh should have to suffer for it."

"Are you serious?" I growl and grab his shoulder making him stand. "You want your answer? Get out." I demand. "Now."

"Fine." He sighs annoyed. "I'll step out but if you can't get a location, we do this my way."

"As if you didn't already decide that the second you bit Josh." I yell as he steps out of the room. I go over and take Nik's place, kneeling next to Josh.

"Listen, Davina." I tell her. "I will make sure he heals Josh, you just have tell us."

"I can't." She stresses with tears filling her eyes. "Either way I lose someone I love."

"No hun." I deny. "Nik will let Josh die. But he won't kill Marcel, no matter what he says."

"Are you crazy?" She asks rhetorically.

"Listen to me." I stress to her. "I know their story. They have history. Nik might never admit it, but he loves Marcel. Besides, I like Marcel, I'd never willingly give him up for someone to hurt him."

"Davina... please." Josh chokes out as she struggles with a decision.

"Marcel will kill those werewolves." I tell her. "They were just doing as they were told to protect their pack. They don't deserve to die, just like Josh and Marcel don't."

"He's at a warehouse at the docks..." She tells me reluctantly with tears clouding her eyes. "Thierry's place."

"Thank you." I nod at her. "Niklaus!"

"Do we have a location?" He comes in with a smirk.

"Thierry's old place at the docks." I roll my eyes.

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now