You were strolling and taking your time, Sasha took really long runs as she had a lot of endurance and was training for a marathon so you knew you'd have time to look around as much as you wanted.

The whole gallery was so silent you kind of enjoyed it, living with someone like Sasha meant there was a lot of noise and she had her quiet moments of course but still.

"Doesn't this shit look familiar?" A slight rasped voice caught your attention while walking past the intersection, it was coming from your right.

"Nah man, I've never seen something like this before."

You turned your head and your face immediately became burning hot to the touch. You clenched your jaw and made a fist with your hands, Eren and Connie.

There they were.

Standing there casually and staring at a pretty medium-sized photograph on the wall. They were the only ones in that part of the hall and you clearly didn't think to move because Eren turned his head fairly quickly into you staring at them both.

Then you decided to look at the photo they were looking at and there must've been some sort've mistake.

It was your photo.

You thought all your photos were in the front, all in the same place but you remember exactly where you took that very photo that they were both staring up at on the wall. Connie was in grey sweats and a matching grey hoodie, Eren wore his typical all-black outfit with basic black jeans and a basic black tee along with a simple leather jacket paired over top.

He was always dressed like a stereotypical biker and you just now picked up on it.

"Hey! It's her photo!" Connie pointed to your name underneath the photo engraved on a little metal plate screwed into the wall, he whipped his head around, and now they were both staring at you from down the hall.

You raised both your eyebrows and quickly turned the other way, this place was like a maze so speed walking in whichever direction was not your smartest choice but you did it anyway.

You kept looking back to make sure they didn't follow you and when you turned down some other all you did the same thing, you never told anyone aside from Sasha about your hobby and it's not like you were embarrassed but it wasn't anyone's business but yours.

"Watch it." Eren planted his entire hand over your whole face and kept you from bumping head-on into him, his arm was stretched out and he was stopping you like a man in street traffic stopping cars from going.

"How do you keep appearing?! Are you a magician?!" You snapped in frustration and moved your face from his heavy hand.

"I don't just keep "appearing", you just don't pay attention...clearly." He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest in front of you, you were at the end of the hall and it was just the two of you.

His hair was very obviously messily thrown back into a bun, he had stray hairs all over the place and you found yourself staring at each of the hairs sticking out in the back. Not to mention something was different about couldn't put your finger on it until you realized that the piercing on the side of his lip was new.

"Fuck are you staring at?"

"Fuck are you so rude for?" You mocked and rolled your eyes, you moved around him and made a turn to the right where you found yourself back into the main area of the gallery that was a lot more space out and no more hallways.

"Where did you take that photo?" He questioned and oddly enough, he began following behind you but still keeping a distance.

"I didn't take it."

"Your name was tagged underneath it. Tell me where you took the photo." He demanded sternly, you rolled your eyes again and ignored his demands.

"It's photoshopped. I got the image off Google—"

"Why are you so difficult?!" He complained as he continued walking behind you.

"Why are you so demanding?! You demand things like I owe you anything." You objected, you didn't bother looking at him because you kept trying to avoid him but he wouldn't let up.

You turned and finally made it back to the front, you were hoping he'd just leave you alone after that and part ways.

He didn't.

You walked back over to your area with photos and to your surprise, there were lots of people admiring the ones you took, you didn't hear him behind you so you assumed he was gone.

You turned your body to the side, staring forward and you could see him out the corner of your eye observing one of your photos right next to you.

He didn't say a word, he didn't even look like he was breathing and you didn't think he could be so quiet. You thought he was going to continue to pester you about the location of the photo but instead, he stared at the photo and you could tell just by the look on his face that he was critiquing you and the photo.

"This took it last summer." He blurts ever so calmly, your throat closed up just at the basic mouth reading of the words "summer", you grew to hate that word and that season and hated the fact that he knew about it even more.

This was the only photo you took during that period of your life, he moved exactly one step to the side and pointed to the very edge of the photo.

"That's your leg. You didn't mean to take a photo of it but you did—"

"Stop. You said you wouldn't say anything so don't." You interrupted and clenched your fist, you were facing forward and he was shoulder to shoulder with you but facing the opposite way toward the wall behind you.

"I don't remember where I took the photo. It's from years ago so you can leave now." You answered truthfully, he clicked his tongue against his mouth and turned, he left swiftly and Connie suddenly appeared and followed right behind to leave together.

How much did he know? Was it just an odd coincidence that he was able to spot that in the photo or did he know more than he was letting on?

There was a mystery to him that you hadn't decided if you wanted to uncover.


"What was that about?" Connie questioned whilst stuffing his face with the complimentary donuts he grabbed on the way out.

"She's weird. I know little to nothing about her yet more about her than she knows about herself."

"The fuck does that mean? That's not how you talk to women bro, you'll get no pu—"

"Shut up. Whatever, just don't invite anymore people to things I invite you to, yeah?" I remarked and sighed just before we turned the corner walking quite quickly for whatever reason.

"Whaaaat? Y/n's chill and Sasha knows how to have a great time, you're letting Jean invite Historia so what's the big deal??" Connie bickered while chewing loudly.

"That's different. That's his girlfriend or whatever the hell she is to him,"

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