Enhypen as Yanderes pt.7✿

Start from the beginning

- You dont Know how to Answer all of his Questions.You're in Pure Shock.He Grabs your Hands and Holds Them Tightly.You do not Find the Right Words to Answer his Questions,So you Stay Quiet Instead,This Seems to make Heeseung Slightly Upset.

- He Harshly Grabs your Arm and Pulls you with him.No Matter what you do,He wouldnt Stop Taking you with him,Basically Kidnapping you again.You Scream and Punch him,But he doesnt Stop.Whenever you Scream,He Pulls you Close and Aprubtly Kisses you to make you be Quiet,This would Anger you more and more.

- "Stop Fighting this,You cant Leave me Y/n! You Said you Love me!"He Yelled as he Dragged you to the House that was more than Fimilar to you.He Pushed you into the House and Locked the Door Behind him,Staring down at you with a Terrifying Look in his Eyes.

- He Comes Closer and Leans down to you,Gently Placing his Hand on your Cheek."Please my Love,Dont Leave me again...we are Made to be Together."He Said before Carefully Kissing you.

- He Started to Lock all the Doors and Windows again and Reinstalled the Security System.He became much more Protective and Obsessive,He was like Glued on and didnt give you any Freedom for Months.

- He got you back,You were Fallen back into his Tight and Twisted Grip that Held you Tightly and would not let go.He now wanted to make a 1000000% Sure that you would Stay with him Forever.

- a Few Years Later,You and him were Married.While you Fought against his Affection and your Feelings at him at First,You Eventually Accepted this as what was Chosen for you.

- Over the Years,Heeseung has Given you back some of your Freedom.You were even Allowed to go Outside by Yourself,Rarely but Atleast you could.It didnt Change though that he was Still Obsessive and Overly Protective of you.Some Things are Simply not Mentioned or Talked about in the Relationship as you do not want to Know the Horror that he puts Some People Through to "Protect" you.

- "We will be Together Forever...Together Forever,Right...my Love?"

my Love?"

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- Your Relationship with Jay has been Odd.Not just Twisted,Sure it was That,But it got Odd as in he Started to be Noticeably Less Clingy,He Actually became Distant ever Since you had the Conversation in the Gym of the Mansion.

- You Tried to Approach him and Talk to him,But he would be Either Distant and Push you away or he give you a Quick Kiss and Hug before Walking away and Leaving you wherever you are.

- He has also been much more Lost in Thoughts,Sometimes not even Noticing when you were in the Same Room as him or Talked to him.

- Maybe you Shouldnt Miss his Affection,His Care,Attention and Love,But you do.You Wonder what Caused the Change and Wished for him to be more Affectionate again.

- One Day you got Suprised when Jay Approached you and Invited you on a Date.You got Dressed up and Showed your Outfit off to Jay who Only Smiled and gave you Nice Compliment.He Brought you to the Car which would be Driven by the Chauffeur,He Opens the Door for you and Lets you Sit Down in the Car.

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