prayers don't stop bullet holes

Start from the beginning

"He is okay. Asking about you so I was ordered to come check on you" she says with a smile. Our children are so in love and just went through something hard together so of course they want to know the other is okay. They were wrapped together when they lost consciousness and if I was them, I would want to know too. 

Both Viviane and I suggests a facetime, so Viviane calls her husband on facetime. 

-ellies pov- 

I see Alex on Viviane's phone and tears are streaming down both of our faces. I'm in a lot of pain, but they are giving me morphine for the pain. All I want is to see him right now, we were wrapped together in that classroom when the shooter came in and then everything went black. 

"Hi baby, are you okay" Alex says and wipe away his tears and I softly sob "i'm... in a lot of pain. How are you. I... please tell me that you're okay" I whimper, and my mom wipe away my tears. 

"We are both okay Elliana. It's going to be okay. I was so scared when I woke up and didn't know if you were okay. The last thing I remember was holding you tightly and things went black. I love you" he says, and I bite my lip "i love you too. I thought... I thought we were going to die" I sob out. 

"Oh baby. I want to cuddle you so bad" he says and is sobbing too. "I want you too" 

We can't see one another right now, which is really hard. All I want is to see him in person and see that he is okay, but facetime is better than nothing. 

-joes pov- 

I'm up at the cancer center with aurora and kenzie tucked into each of my arms on the couch. "Your sister is awake, and they think she is going to be fine" I tell them and hold them as close I can. I want to promise them that she will for sure be fine, but we don't know that. No one can guarantee that we are going to wake up tomorrow, what we can do is tell how things are right in this moment in time. 

"Is Lauren okay. And is Alex okay?" kenzie asks. Lauren is like a sister to her, and Alex has gotten close to kenzie. "Lauren is at home with her mom, she didn't get hurt. Alex was in surgery too, but he is out. I don't know more though, but I imagine your sister is demanding an update so I will tell you as soon as possible" 

Of course she wants to know how he is doing. They were together and were found in each other's arms. She must have been so scared, so I hope that they could at least comfort one another a bit. I'm furious that children are dying in situations like these often in the United States. The gun laws are stupid because they protect the gunowners more than they protect everyone else, especially children. How many children needs to die for the government to change the second amendment. Clearly, it's not a law that protects people. 

Kenzie gets exhausted so I help her back in bed. She is currently getting a chemo dose so no wonder her body is tired. Her treatment doesn't stop just because something happened to Ellie, we need to help them both at the same time. 

** the next day - Thursday **

-Taylors pov- 

I've sat by Ellies bedside all night while joe has been upstairs with kenzie and aurora. Normally they don't allow siblings to stay in the cancer ward over night, but because of this unusual situation they allowed it. Austin offered to take aurora with him, but aurora refused. I don't blame her; I would want to be here too. 

But I haven't gotten much sleep. I've been watching the numbers of victims on my phone. There are 15 dead so far, and about 20 injured. It's horrible what happened, I can't still wrap my mind around it. It's also hit the national news and people are realizing that its Ellies school so that means the media is even more interested in it than usual. Now they are desperate to know if Ellie is one of the injured, but we have done everything we can to not let that out in the pres. I am however going to make a statement right now just to show my support for all the victims. I've talked with joe, and we decided that we would rather tell them about Ellie us selves than have pictures taken of her, and we talked with Ellie about it too of course. 

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