welcome home again

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** Wednesday July 23th 2036** 

-taylors pov- 

Today we are coming out of isolation and get to continue recovering at home. So we are packing down her room. The recovery period when you use cord blood transplant is usually quicker than using donor bone marrow, so hopefully it won't take long before her numbers go even higher. But for now, they are high enough for them to let us come home. 

"Mom I'm excited to lay in my bed again" kenzie says just as joe is coming into the room which makes kenzie reach for him "daddy" she whimpers, and he goes to give her a hug for the first time since we came to hospital. "yes Mackenzie. You're coming home now" he says and kiss the side of her face. 

The doctor comes in to say bye to us and update us on the newest scan they did yesterday to look at how the cancer is in her body right now before they start radiation. "good news, the cancer has shrunk drastically in her body because of the chemo, so that's one step towards getting her better. We won't know if the bone marrow transplant has worked yet, but her numbers are climbing which is a good sign because it means that we are moving in the right direction. its still early days tho so we wont know for sure for a while. Now it's about resting up for radiation to start on monday. Hopefully the radiation will completely wipe out the chancer in her lymph nodes and then it's about removing the growth on her liver before immune therapy" the doctor says and explains the process of radiation to kenzie.

They have explained it before, and will do it again on monday, but you can never explain stuff like that too many times. Its huge things for a little mind to wrap itself around. If its compilated for us adults to understand I can't imagen what it's like for a 10-year-old. She is pretty good at understanding medical thigns by now, even though that's something we never wanted her to have to deal with, but at least it makes it easier for her to understand. The doctors are so patient and let her take her time with asking the questions she is wondering about. 

We finish packing up, kenzie puts on a mask and we are ready to go. She is in her wheelchair because she is exhausted, but we are used to that by now. 


We get home and it's so nice walking through the door. But there is a bunch of balloons there and a banner that says "welcome home" which makes us really happy. Aurora and Ellie come to the door and give us big hugs "you are home!" they beam. 

"and I have more blood" kenzie says with her sassy tone as I help her into the livingroom and on the couch. 

"and I have baked cake. Red velvet because of your new blood cells" Ellie says and bring a cake into the livingroom so kenzie can see it. "I helped too" aurora announces and kenzie seems really happy. "Then I want a slice" 

I help Ellie get slices for all of us and we sit in the livingroom eating it together. It's so nice of them to do all of this to celebrate her coming home because this marks yet another chapter of the cancer treatment done. Up next is radiation on monday, but then on august 4th both Ellie and me are going under the knife too for the nerve transplant. 

When they asked me if I would be willing to donate a nerve for her, I didn't hesitate, of course I would do that. She is my daugther and I would do anything for her. Sure there are a few risks for me, but I would do it regardless of how big the risks are. Maybe it's not a no brainer for everyone, but for me it is. 

Ellie is in a lot of pain, she doesn't like to admit how painful it is, but I can tell by her face. But she is so brave and do normal things anyway, like going away with her boyfriend and her family. Aperently they went on a hike which I have no idea how she was able to pull off without bursting into tears, but she is a fighter and did it. 

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