statement and giddy feelings

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-taylors Pov-

I bring the phone to my ear as I'm looking nervously at joe "hello" I say softly. "Hello Taylor, I just got the call from the prosecution's office, and they are pressing charges against mr wiles for conspiring and planning the car accident. They want to question the three of you and wondered if you and Ellie could come to their office in the morning with me. Then they will visit joe in the hospital. It's the same prosecutor as the other case so they are already familiar with that, but they want statements about the new issue" mr passman says and I take deep breaths.

"Okay, Ellie and I will be there in the morning" I agree too, and we exchange goodbyes before hanging up and sit down on joes' bed because I feel sick to my stomach "Mom what's wrong?" Ellie asks.

"The prosecution wants to talk to us tomorrow. They're pressing charges against Adam for conspiring and planning the car accident. Clearly, they believe they have evidence enough to prove that it wasn't just an accident" I say and am on the verge of tears, so joe opens up his arms and I snuggle down next to him.

"Taylor love it's going to be okay. You will go there tomorrow and tell what happened and then you can come here to me after you drop Ellie at school" he says and kiss the side of my face. "it's okay mom. We will do it together" Ellie mumbles and I sit up and bring her into my arms as she starts to cry too.

"Elliana, take deep breaths. We are okay" I coo her as she cries "I was happy... I was so happy today... and now he is back. Wont I ever get to just be happy" she starts to sob, and I set her down in my lap and joe wraps his arms around both of us.

"i hate him. I hate him so much" she says and star to panic and hit my chest and I just hold her tighter "Elliana listen to me. You're allowed to hate him, but don't let him ruin you. Don't let him take your sparkle away because you deserve to shine, and you deserve to be happy"

It takes a while, but she calms down and we head home to get some sleep.

*** the next day - wendsday ***

We meet mr passman outside the prosecutor's office to give our statements. It feels like yesterday when we were here the first time after the kidnapping, but that was 9 years ago. Time has flown by so fast and now we are here again because Adam just can't leave us alone.

They call us into the office and start asking us questions. "so obviously we have been following the case between you and Mr. wiles for a while now but now we have the new situation that happened a few weeks ago. We have gone through the surveillance footage at the prison during the visits between the driver and Mr. wiles, and then footage from outside the prison on the day of the accident. There is footage of Mrs. wiles, his mother, talking with the driver before he left the parking lot, so he was there while the hearing was going on inside. It seems like him and his mom worked together to set this situation up and we are pressing charges again both of them."

He goes on and explain all the evidence they have gathered and why they think that this was a joint effort, and it makes me sick to my stomach that she would be involved in this too. One thing is that she still supports her son after what he did but helping him to try to kill us is taking it to another level.

Then they ask Ellie what she remembers "I was really out of it on the way to the car. I don't remember much. But I remember a loud crash and being thrown around and then things where black. That's it" she says and shrugs.

"I was in the back with her trying to get her to calm down because she had a reaction from what happened at the hearing. But I hit my head as the car crashed and then I remember waking up in the hospital" I tell them.

We don't have much information to come with this time because the actual event didn't last long, and we were both unconscious fairly quickly. But they do ask questions about if we have had any contact with anyone in the Wiles family since the last trial and other questions before we get to leave. A trial date hasn't been set yet, but they will call us as soon as they know.

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