second chances

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** Wednesday June 11th 2036** 

-ellies pov- 

I'm waiting for the doorbell to ring because Rebecca is coming over today. It's so weird because she has been nothing but rude to me since kindergarten, but now she is coming over to my house. 

The doorbell rings and I open up, here she is. I smile at her and invite her in. It's a bit awkward but I'm also exited to actually get to know her and not just bicker. We exchange polite hellos though. 

"so no one is home right now. Aurora is at gymnastics, my dad is with her, and my mom is at the hospital with kenzie for her chemo" I say as we walk through the house. We grab some drinks from the kitchen, she wants a coke and I get a Pepsi, before we head to the playroom. 

"This used to be a playroom, we call it that still, but it's obviously not anymore" I say as we sit down. "Your house is amazing" she says and open her coke. "Thanks, it's pretty big" I say. 

"This is a bit awkward I know, but I really want to get to know you Ellie. It's... you're... I don't know. The whole mess that's going on made me see you differently, and I don't know why. And I know I've said it before, but I am sorry for the way I've treated you. You have every reason to hate me but here you are being nice to me" she says, and I listen to everything she has to say. 

"It is a bit weird, but I would like to know you too Rebecca. And thank you" I say with a weak smile. 

"i've wanted to explain to you why... things have been like they have. I've been through a lot in my life, but I was adopted by my parents and then things took a turn for the better. But then I meet you and you had this perfect little life and I got jealous honestly. And you were an easy target for my anger if I'm being honest" she says and listen. I've always wanted to know why she is the way she is towards me because it's hurt my feelings and ended in many tears. 

"After what happened now everyone has started to act differently towards me. Some hate me, some blame me, some take pity on me. I'm also starting to notice that the people I thought where my friends weren't really interested in me for who I am, they wanted to join the hate train and be with the popular girl" she says and roll her eyes. I have noticed that, I've noticed that her friends didn't spend that much time with her anymore, I've noticed the looks people have been giving her. "And I'm not saying this for you to take pity on me either, I don't want that, I just want to explain. And I want to thank you for being kind to me, I want to thank you for making my schooldays a bit more manageable again" she says, and I'm taken back a bit. 

"I saw you were having a hard time, and I don't want to step on someone that's down. That's not who I am. But I have observed all that you're saying and I'm sorry that things have turned like that for you. But just so you know, I can be your friend. I accept your apology" I say with a smile. 

Her eyes widen and she is on the verge of tears "you would really want to be my friend after everything that's happened?" she says and her voice cracks. "i'm not on top anymore. I'm nothing, I'm not shiny anymore. And I've been so horrible to you for years" she says and now she is crying so she wipes away her tears. 

I can see that her apology is sincere for sure, she means what she is saying. "Just because you've been horrible in the past doesn't mean you can't change. I think everyone deserves a second chance. And I will be your friend, I'm not saying it's going to be easy and happen at the drop of a hat. But we can see if it works. And I don't care how shiny you are or whatever anyone says, I really don't care" 

I'm not someone that listen to what the gossip is saying and make my decisions about what I'm doing based on that. After all, there is always something about me or my family either going around the school or out in the tabloids, so it would be hypocritical of me to listen to it about someone else when I know what is said about me is mostly false. 

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