ellie is smitten

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** tuesday November 20th 2035**

-taylors Pov-

I get to joes' hospital room and sit down on the edge of his bed "hi you" I say and kiss him softly. "You look gorgeous today, but you are gorgeous everyday though" he smirks, and I chuckle.

"How did the date go yesterday?" he smiles "she was blushing and giddy when she came home. I've never seen here like this and its adorable. He kissed her and I was standing looking out the window and it was so cute. He had an arm around her waist and cupped her head, I was almost in tears" i sigh.

"That boy was holding onto my little girl. Ugh" he says, and I chuckle "she had a really nice time. They kissed several times, it was adorable. And he held her hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulders at the theatre. She was so happy"

Seeing how she was glowing and giddy last night was so amazing. She has been through a lot and I'm so happy that she is enjoying something normal for a change. She deserves to have experiences that normal kids have and learn the lessons both joe and I learned at her age. There is so much to life that I want her to experience and see, she deserves to experience it all. I do with that I could keep her from ever feeling any kind of pain, but I know that's not how it works with love. We all get our hearts broken at one point or another or otherwise learn lessons the hard way in life. But I'm happy that this is something normal and not the abnormal things she has been through like the kidnapping and that kind of stuff.

"Her first kiss, ugh she is getting so big. I just hope he doesn't break her little heart. She deserves someone nice and someone who will treat her kindly" he says, and I move up in bed so I'm snuggling in his side. Thankfully there isn't a drain in his head anymore so it's easier to have some cuddle time with him.

"I remember our first kiss, in that drive bar and then I took you home" I say and chuckle. "That was fun. We went from friends to friends with benefits that night. It was fun but I like having strings with you more tho. Instead of having sex we can make love, and I get to call you my wife" he says and kiss the side of my face.

"I don't want to think about this... and I will have a breakdown if she... you know... but is she on birth control?" he says, and groans clearly weirded out by this. "She is because she has bad period cramps. She isn't having sex, she is way too young for that. Like not before she is 30 or something. But yeah she is on birth control" I tell him.

"Ugh I don't even like the thought of this. I don't want her to grow up like that. Even the fact that we need to think about her having access to birth control creeps me out. Our little innocent Elliana isn't ever going to have sex" he groans again, and I chuckle. "i don't want to think about that. But I think she would maybe tell me if she did think about it, I hope she does so she doesn't have to be with those feelings alone. I was 20 but I went to my mom afterwards because I needed to talk."

-Ellies pov-

We get through our first part of the day and now it's time for lunchbreak. Like usual my mom packed me a lunch, so I sit down to wait on my friends because they were in other classes than me but then there is a hand on my shoulder and I jump slightly "sorry, didn't want to startle you. I just wanted to say hi" Alex says and i grin as I turn to him "hi to you too"

Lauren, Katie and Caroline come over and grin at us, so I blush. "Anyway, I will let you girls eat. See you later Ellie" he says and run his hand through my hair before walking off to join his friends.

"Okay girl you need to spill. How did the date go" Lauren says as they all sit down. I giggle and bite my lip "it was amazing. He is so kind and sweet. He held my hand, had his arm around me and kissed me. It was perfect" I gush and can't keep the grin from my face.

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