came back to me

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-taylors Pov- 

Now the monitor is making more sounds and my eyes widen as it sounds like he is choking. So I signal the nurse who comes running in "he is choking" I tell her panicked and stand up. She hits the call button for the doctor. 

"it's a good thing, it means that he is waking up" she says with a smile just as the doctor and two more nurses come running, and I move to the front of the bed where his legs are to get out of the way of the doctors. 

"he is breathing over the vent. Let's get him extubated" the doctor says and shine a light in his eyes "mr Alwyn, we are going to take the tube out of your mouth now. Try to stay calm, I know its uncomfortable but it's going to be out shortly" he tells joe and I hold onto his feet that are now slightly moving but both legs and both arms are pinned down just in case he would wake up and try to pull out the tube or something as that would be bad if the doctor didn't approve it. 

They get the stuff ready and take the tube out and he coughs so they suction in his mouth and put oxygen on his nose again to help him get enough. 

The doctor does several tests makes him blink, follow his finger and squeeze his hands and curl his toes. "Can you speak for us? It's going to feel weird but try to say something" 

"t--tay---Taylor" he gets out with a really hoars voice and tears are building in my eyes "i'm right here joe" I tell him, and squeeze is foot. 

"he seems to be stable, so I'm going to give you two a moment while I go and order tests" the doctor says, and everyone leaves the room except the nurse that's told she needs to stay right beside him just in case he deteriorates. 

Now I get to go up to his side and I take his hand in mine and caress his face with the other. "I love you" I tell him, and he squeeze my hand three times telling me he loves me too. Now I can't keep the tears back anymore and they are flowing down my face. For a while there I started to lose hope that I would ever get to interact with him again, but he is awake and is breathing on his own. 

"How... long" he says and coughs some more "a week. You were out of it for a week" I tell him and kiss his forhead. 

"Kids?" he gets out "the girls are fine. Ellie got a concussion just like me but we are fine. Going back to the doctors tomorrow to make sure that we are okay, but we are fine. Aurora and kenzie too. Your mom came over from London, she is with them now" I tell him. 

It's clearly hard for him to talk, but that's not surprising after having a breaking tube for a week. He is probably sore, not to mention that he hasn't moved himself in a week, so his muscles are probably sore and stiff too. 

"ki--kiss me" he says, and I grin at him before pressing my lips softly to his for a brief moment. "I will kiss you all you want for the rest of our lives" I say, and I can't wipe the smile off my face. 

After a while they come to take him down for an MRI to see how his brain is doing and I stay in the room. When I get a moment on my own, I try to take in what's going on, he is awake, he is actually awake, and it seems like he has movement in his limbs and that he can communicate. That's all good signs. 

Eventually I decide to call Liz and tell her. "hi Taylor, how is it going?" she asks. 

"He is awake. He woke up a little bit ago. They're down taking an MRI right now. He has movement in his limbs and is sort of talking" I tell her and wipe away tears. 

"oh my god. My boy... that's so good. How are you doing?" she asks, and I can hear she is softly crying too. "i'm okay, a bit overwhelmed but I just need to be here with him now" 

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