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-taylors Pov-

But my phone goes off and I sigh when I see its tree. Its Sunday and that means it's some sort of scandal. That will mean its two in one week and I'm dreading picking up this call. "hi tree. What headline is out there today"

"i'm getting straight to the point because its bad. It's all-over social media that Ellie went to a party last night and got drunk. There is video of her dancing on a table with a drink in her hand and then there is video of joe and two bodyguards escorting them out of the house, but the girls are hardly able to walk. So it's bad" she says, and my jaw drop,s and I go into the bathroom.

"Wait what?! Holly fuck. Why the fuck didn't joe call me" I snap but keep the volume low because I don't want kenzie or the nurses to hear me. I can't believe he didn't call me; this is not okay and I'm furious. I don't care that we aren't really talking, when something like this happens, he needs to fucking call me. What is wrong with him.

"I don't know Taylor, I haven't talked with him. #Drunkminiswift is trending on twitter. And it sort of gets worse because people from your past are getting on the train tweeting mean things too. People like Kim, Karlie, scooter, Justin and others. Obviously, the gossip magazines are all over this too" she continues to talk, and I put her on speaker so I can go check the tweets. They are out of line and clearly using any misstep I ever make to get some clout.


When I get home, I'm furious. The fact that joe didn't call me is out of line and just wrong. I get that I'm not home these days, but that doesn't give him the right to keep something like this from me. Our daugther could have been seriously hurt, and clearly, she was drunk, that's not something you hide from your spouse. Especially because he is smart enough to know that I would hear about it, and it would have been better coming from him.

I walk in the door with kenzie while my security gets our bag and the wheelchair from the car, and I follow kenzie to the couch and get her set up there because she is exhausted. "mom" aurora says and come over to give me a hug "hi aurora" she is hugging me, but she isn't like she usually is. Normally when I get home from being away, she comes running into my arms, now its forced. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she shrugs. "i'm fine" she says before heading into the playroom again.

Joe comes downstairs and we exchange looks but no words are said. I'm so mad at him for not telling me about Ellie, I have a right to know, and it was a bad call to not call me. So I go and sit down on the couch and pull Kenzie's legs into my lap and he comes over and kiss her forhead "hi kenzie, I'm happy you are home" he says and brush her hair out of her face. "i'm happy I'm home too"

Someone is coming down the stairs and I see its Alex and Ellie, so I stand up and cross my arms as I see them, and she freezes. "We are just heading out and going to Alexs" she says, and I raise my eyebrows "you're not going anywhere Elliana Alwyn. You have some explaining to do" I tell her sternly and I'm trying not to yell. "Goodbye Alex, she will see you at school tomorrow" I say.

"Taylor, I said she could go" joe says, and I roll my eyes "well I don't care what you said. Clearly, you're not making good choices. Alex goodbye. Ellie sit on the couch, the three of us need to have a conversation" I tell them and Alex leaves and Ellie sits down next to kenzie who shifts and lay her head in her lap.

I wish we didn't have to have this conversation Infront of kenzie, but I'm not letting her out of my sight as I'm worried she will get hurt or something. "What the hell happened last night" I say and stand there looking between joe and Ellie in disbelief. I can't believe no one told me.

"I've already talked to dad. I know what I did was wrong" she says, and I furrow my eyebrows "and you didn't punish her joseph!" I yell at him. How could he let her have guests over and walk around like nothing happened. "don't yell at me Taylor. You weren't here, and you're not exactly communicating with me. You weren't here and I had a long conversation with her. If you had been here, you would know our daugther is struggling but you weren't here to see it" he yells at me, and I'm taken back but I push that feeling back and focus on my anger.

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