principals office and sister talk

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** monday January 28th, 2036**

-ellies Pov- 

We are school and I'm walking in the hallway on the way to my locker, but Alex is standing there with Rebecca and Lauren, and I'm slightly confused what she is doing there with him. But then she does something that I can't unsee. She pushes him against the locker and kisses him and my eyes widen. 

When he pushes her away, he sees that I'm standing there "Ellie, she kissed me I didn't kiss her" he assures me, and I'm lost for words and Rebecca turns smugly to look at me. "He is being polite. Clearly, he should be with someone who isn't as pathetic as you. No one as hot as him wants to be with your pathetic ass. He is still with you out of pity, its charity at this point. He doesn't have the balls to break up with you because he is afraid that your moms' fans will go after him if it gets out. I was just showing you that he is attracted to me too" she says and flip her hair. 

Tears well in my eyes as the whole hallway is paying attention to the conversation. "She is lying Ellie" Alex says and come closer to me and wrap his arms around me. "Please don't lie to me, if you don't want to be with me..." I start but he puts a finger to my lip "of course I want to be with you. She is lying to try to get between us" 

I want to believe him but it's hard to not let my insecurities get the better of me. Rebecca is clearly prettier than me, is more popular, isn't a nervous wreck and doesn't have to have security tag along on dates and is skinner than me. 

I don't want to cry in the hallway, so I push him away and go into the nearest open classroom to cry. He follows after me and as he is coming into the room Rebecca comes in as well, but Alex wraps me in his arms as I can't stop the tears from coming. 

"Why do you always have to be so mean to me. Leave me alone. I have never done anything to you. And leave my boyfriend alone" I scream at her. I've never done that before; I don't usually stand up for myself, but I just can't keep it inside anymore. I hate her and she has it out for me. 

"you three, to the principal's office" a teacher says from the doorway "i'm sick and tired of watching this" she says, and we do as we are told and follow her to the principal's office and sit down on the three chairs in front of the principal's desk. She is a middle-aged woman Mrs. Hadley. 

"I constantly get messages from the teachers about arguing between you three" the principals say, and I sink into the chair. I've never been sent to the principal's office before, this is embarrassing. "Tell me what happened" 

Alex decides to explain "I was waiting for Ellie with Lauren at her locker. Rebecca came over and flirted me and pushed me against the locker and kissed me without my permission. My girlfriend obviously got sad, and we went away to talk but Rebecca followed after" he says, and I sit there and stare into the floor. 

"He is being polite. Ellie is trapping him into a relationship. Clearly, he wants to be with me, but he is scared to break her pathetic little heart" Rebecca says and cross her arms. "We do not use that kind of language at this school Rebecca. And you're expelled for the rest of the week for forcing yourself on another student. That's not something we tolerate at this school, and I've had it with your constant bullying of Elliana. We get complaints about you several times a week and it's enough now" the principals say and I'm surprised. 

Finally, the school is doing something; they never seem to bother enough to do something about her. She usually just gets a warning but now all of a sudden, they decide to do something about her. 

Rebecca has to stay in the principal's office, but Alex and I are excused thankfully. But he walks me to my locker "i'm sorry she did that. Just know that I don't feel trapped with you, I love you" he says, and I sigh and bite my lip. 

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