seeing Joe

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-taylors Pov- 

Ellie and I manage to get out of the house and into the car undetected by the younger girls and to the hospital. It's only been a couple of hours since I saw joe, but I still miss him a lot and have an urge to see him. It's been a week of watching the monitors and praying he will wake up, but now he is awake, and I want to be with him every second. 

We get to the room, and he is halfway sitting up in bed and smiling at us when we come in "there my girls are" he says with a hoars voice and Ellie starts crying "come here sweetie. I'm okay" he says, and she goes over and sit on the edge of his bed and hold his hand. "I missed you" she whimpers, and he wipes away her tears "i'm happy to be back. But even if you can't talk to me, I'm always there with you in your mind sweetie" 

I'm giving them a moment to connect so I hang back and sit in the window seat. I would run over there and hold him close but I'm resisting the urge so I can let her have a moment. 

-ellies pov- 

Seeing dad sitting up in bed, breathing and talking makes me a little calmer. I've been so scared that I was going to lose him, it has kept me up at night. I'm softly crying and just happy to know that he is alive and not braindead or something.

I have been spending a lot of time at night looking up what could happen with this kind of brain injury and the odds are really bad. There is so much that could go wrong, and I don't know what I would do without my dad. I need both my parents in my life, they both have a different kind of thing they bring to my life. And with the things that could go wrong with the brain bleed there was even a risk that if he woke up, he could have drastic behavior changes or not be able to speak. Aperently the biggest thing was seeing if he woke up or not, that was their biggest worry that he wasn't going to wake up. The fact that he is sitting up in bed and communicating is a really good sign. 

"daddy" I whimper and now he is in tears too. I see he is struggling but he brings up his arms up to pull me down and I wrap mine around his legs and lay my head awkwardly down on his thighs. "i'm here my little Elliana. I'm okay. I love you so much, more than words" he says and run his fingers through my hair. "I love you too" 

"How are you feeling sweetie. I know you got hurt too. Are you okay?" he asks, and I sigh and sit up again "i'm fine. My head still hurts a little bit sometimes but I'm fine. Going back to the doctor's office tomorrow to get cleared for school and dance" 

I really hope the doctor clears me tomorrow, I'm not exited to go back to school but I need to go back to dance. I need to dance because they I can let my mind go and not think about anything else. When I'm dancing, I feel free and like I only have to focus on using the proper technique and remembering combinations. 

"Not push yourself too much though. We don't want you to get hurt" he says, and I roll my eyes "I know you tell me that all the time, not just after being thrown around in a car" 

My mom comes over to sit on the other side of him and he smiles at her with a smile that is only reserved for her. Even though their obnoxious number of sappy confessions and adoring glares is annoying I am happy that I have parents that are this in love after all these years. They're embarrassing when they kiss in front of us, when they hold hands or snuggle like they're loved up teenagers, but on the other hand I just want them to be happy. The good thing is that knowing how much they love one another and how good dad treats her I know what I want one day. I want someone who treats me like dad treats mom. 

I've been stealing glances with this guy at dance, he is new in town, and we have been paired together for the nutcracker this season. I'm dancing sugar plum fairy and he is my partner for the partner parts. It's hard to keep focus when I'm around him because I might have a crush on him, and I'm even more nervous when my friend said he asked if I was single. 

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