pictures and party gone wrong

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A/N to tease you all. i'm now working on the next story i'm going to write. its going to be a new series for when this is done. don't worry you have plenty more chapters of this book, but i'm already working on the next one and loving it. there will be a one shot after "beautiful things" finishes tho so you can still get content from this little family i have created. i'm exited for you all to read whats coming next in this book and what is coming with the new story.

** Tuesday february 26th, 2036**

-taylors Pov-

Then my phone goes off and I take a deep breath when I see who it is. Tree...

"Hi tree what's up?" I ask her when I pick up and I just pray that it's not something bad. "Hi Taylor. I know its late, but this couldn't wait" she says and now I know that it's something bad. That's just another thing on top of an already challenging day.

"We have managed to keep the news that kenzie is in the hospital private, but aperently a visitor of another child on the ward took a picture of you, joe and kenzie walking around the corridor of the hospital and sold it to TMZ, I'm so sorry" she says, and I try to keep my composure in front of kenzie.

After excusing myself from her I go in the bathroom, I don't want her to hear about this before I know what to do about it. "Why does this always happen, fuck... why can't they just leave my children alone. She doesn't have the flu or something basic like that, she has a life-threatening cancer" I say and lean against the bathroom counter. This is a nightmare, I wish that this wasn't even something we have to think about, but this is a part of the life I chose all those years ago.

"I am sorry. It's up to you and joe what you want to do about it. I could leak a basic statement, or you could post something yourself, it's totally up to the two of you" she says, and I decide with her that I will talk to joe but that I would rather it come from me than sell a simple little thing to the press that they could close to twist.

I call joe who picks up immediately "what happened? Is she okay?" he asks, and I sigh. These days we only talk if it's about something bad. "Nothing about her directly. Tree called, a picture of us in the hallway got leaked. She asked us what we want to do. I said I want to make a statement myself, ask for privacy and all that" I say and brush my bangs out of my face.

"of course that happened... fuck... do whatever you feel like... I don't know. Just do whatever" he says clearly frustrated and I don't blame him. We both know that even though he is a respected actor its mostly my job that puts a microscope on our family, it's been like that since day one. He doesn't like it when I say it, but I know that it's my fault. "Fine, I'll write something and post it. Obviously running it past kenzie first"

The conversation is short, no exchanging loving words and we just hang up. I go back into the room to talk to kenzie "so tree called me. Some people found out that you're in the hospital, I don't want to lie to you about it because it's about you, but there are pictures of us from earlier today. Your dad and I want to say something and ask for privacy, but is there anything in particular you would want me to say or not want me to say"

The smile on her face fades as I'm talking, this is a conversation we have had to have way too many times with the kids over the years. "Say that I don't want people to take pictures of me" she states, and I tell her that I can say that. "And tell them that you and dad are both her taking care of me" she says with a clever smile. "oh and that the hospital have good jello, but don't get the grape jello because those tastes bad. They also have cancer pops which tastes nice. Say that other cancer kids should know that"

I smile at my clever little girl, even in hard times she finds light in any situation. She is for sure an optimist, and I think that will be a valuable tool in the fight she has ahead of her.

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Where stories live. Discover now