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-taylors Pov-

"Elliana, what do you have to say for yourself. A hickey?" he yells, and Ellie jumps slightly from how loud he is being.

"it's no big deal dad" she mumbles. "No big deal? Hickey is a gateway to sex Elliana. Did you have sex last night?" he continues to yell.

I can see this is escalating in record time and I'm nervous. They don't really fight, so this is not good. "Joe, calm down. It's just a hickey and it was covered up" I tell him and stand up too.

"Did you have sex last night?" he asks her again and she shakes her head "No, I didn't. We just kissed dad I promise" she says and her lip trembles.

"How can I trust that. You have a hickey on your neck Elliana" he continues to go off on her and I feel really bad. "Joe, stop. So what she has a hickey. She is 15 and has a boyfriend. That doesn't mean she had sex"

"so you're okay with this Taylor? I guess someone had to show her how to cover it up. How could you do that and not tell me. If she feels like she is old enough to have a hickey she should come clean about it too. This is not okay" he says, and Ellie is full on crying now.

"Dad I'm not a little girl anymore" she whimpers, and he rolls his eyes "you're still a child, and children shouldn't have hickeys" he yells at her again.

"Joseph, stop this. You're not being fair on her" I tell him, and Ellie run off to her room sobbing and joe sits down on the couch with his head in his hands. "what's up with you today?" I ask sternly. I'm really upset with him because Ellie had a good day and now, he has blown up because of a silly little hickey. "She is too young for that. I'm sure they had sex last night, I'm absolutely sure"

"well, I'm going to go console our sobbing daugther and you think about that" I say and walk off to find Ellie.

-ellies pov-

I'm laying down on my bed sobbing and clutching my pillow. I had such a good day yesterday and sleeping next to Alex was really nice, but here my dad goes and ruins everything. When he was kissing my neck it felt like he was leaving a golden imprint on my skin. He made me feel beautiful and wanted, but now dad messed with that. Now I feel weird and violated by my dad's nosy behavior. I was so happy and had covered it up so he wouldn't freak out, but he had to inspect my neck and now I'm feeling blue.

There is a knock on my door "Ellie honey, its mom, can I come in?" she asks and in between sobs I say she can, and she comes over and sit on my bed. "i'm sorry about your dad overreacting sweetie. I'm going to talk to him" she tells me and brush away my tears.

"I felt so good this morning mom. I felt loved I felt cared for, and I was happy. I haven't been this happy in a long time, but dad messed that up. Now my head is dark, and I feel suffocated. and I feel embarrassed, and I felt like I had my privacy violated. I'm entitled to some privacy" I sob out and sit up but still clutching my pillow.

My mom pulls me into her arms, and I cry into her chest "he made me feel beautiful and special, I just want to have that feeling last mom. Don't I deserve that? Don't I deserve happiness and love?"

"of course you do sweetie, you deserve love just like anyone else. I'm going to talk to your dad because this isn't the way to handle this. You're of course allowed to fall in love and get all these special feelings that both your dad and I got once upon a time." she says softly, and we stay and talk for a bit more before she leaves to go talk to my dad and I call Alex on facetime.

Thankfully he picks up quickly and is first smiling but then he furrows his eyebrows "baby what's wrong?" he says gently, and I sob "dad he is so anoying" my breath hitches "he... he inspected my neck... and then... then he saw the mark and got really mad" it's hard to get words with how much I'm crying, and tears are streaming down my face.

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