the day that keeps getting worse

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-taylors pov- 

I go outside to take the phone call and when I pick up, she is crying. 

"Abi what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask her concerned. 

"Taylor... I dropped Lauren off at dance and I had to go home to get something she forgot. But when I got home... there was sounds coming from our bedroom. Matt... he was.... he was cheating on me" she sobs out and my heart breaks for her. 

"oh my god. Holly shit. I'm so sorry Abigial. Is there anything I can do?" I ask her and I feel so bad. They have always had struggles but I never imagined that he would do this to her. 

"Taylor he was having sex with someone else on our bed. I feel disgusting. I'm out in my car now and I don't know what to do. I think I need to go inside and pack a bag or something and go to a hotel with Lauren" she says and sniffle. 

"you're not going to a hotel. Come to my house. There are plenty of empty rooms at our house." I'm not going to have her stay at a hotel and pay lots of money for that when she can just come and stay with me. That's silly. My house is big and its private so there is plenty of rooms for the both of them. 

"Really?" she says, and I say that of course they are welcome to come stay with us. "Grab some stuff and after Lauren is done at dance just head to my house. Ellie isn't done at ballet before 6pm, but I will just tell my security you're coming, and they will let you in" Of course I want to open my home to my best friend when she is in a crisis. I know that if the roles were reversed she would do the same thing for me in a heartbeat. 


Ellie finishes at ballet at 6pm and we head home. "so Ellie I need to tell you something. Aunty Abigail and Lauren is coming to stay with us for a while" I tell her, and she looks confused. "Why?" 

"Because some grownup stuff happened, and they needed a place to stay. It's not my place to say more than that. But they are at our house now" I tell her. It's not my place to tell Ellie about the cheating because that's her story not mine. And I also don't know what she is going to tell Lauren either, and I don't want to put Ellie in a hard situation where she knows something and can't tell Lauren. 

We get home and Abigail's car is there as well as our nanny's car so that means Kenzie and aurora is home too. 

"We are back" I call through the house as we walk in. Aurora comes running and does a cartwheel on her way. She is always flipping around the house and doing tricks. "Mom. Aunty Abigial is here" she beams and I smile at her. "yes, I know. They are staying with us for a while" 

Harper leaves and I go to the kitchen and find Abigail with bloodshot eyes making dinner, so I pull her in for a long hug "i'm so sorry Abigail. You and Lauren is welcome to stay for as long as you need. Don't worry about it, take your time" 

"I know you already have your hands full. Sorry to bring this on you too" She says and wipe away her tears and stir the pot of pasta she has made. "don't worry about it. It's fine. I'm always here for you if you need me" 

There is nothing I can do to fix this situation for her sadly, I wish I could but there is nothing I can do. All I can do is be there for her and give her a place to stay while she figures things out with him. 

She looks around to make sure the kids aren't in ears reach "I just screamed at him and that woman before I left as I packed our stuff. I'm so furious I don't know how to deal. And then I had to try and explain to Lauren why we weren't going home. I don't want to tell her that her dad cheated as that's grownup issues I don't want to put on her. So I just said that we needed some time apart" she says and shrugs. 

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