romeo and juliet

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A/n just wanted to say that there Are 30 chapters left of «beautiful things». I finished it a few days ago and it was so emotional.

I am going to be writing the new oneshot book for this series But that wont be updated everyday. But if anyone have any requests for things you want me to write about regarding this family let me know. It can be something i didnt cover in one of the books, something that happens inbetween or after.

Im Also considering writing an ellie spin-off for when she goes to college But i wanted to hear what you all think about that.

** sunday april 20th 2036**

-taylors pov-

I'm getting kenzie ready to leave the hospital for her week off treatment while joe is downstairs with Ellie. It's been really hard taking care of all of the girls these last couple of days because two of them are in the hospital while the last one is at home. But Ellie has insisted on being alone at night so one of us could be home with aurora, which we appreciate. We have a security we trust stay with her though, so she isn't alone without people that know hr.

I finish putting Kenzie's medical stuff together and we head downstairs to see Ellie. Kenzie hasn't seen her yet because of her port being accessed and they didn't want to get it infected, but now she doesn't have a needle in her chest and can see her sister.

"Ellie! Alex!" she beams when we enter the room. Ellie is sitting with Alex in her bed, and I smile at them. They spend all of their days together expect from the time they have physical therapy. Since they are so insistent on being together, it helps calm both of them because they get panic attacks, his parents and us decided to ask for a shared room. The ward was more than happy to provide that because they could always use a free single room. Which have meant that they have one another at night too. But they have gotten strict instructions that they need to sleep in their own beds, so they don't accidentally touch each other's wounds.

We were hesitant to let them, but because of what they went through we are giving them slack.

-ellies pov-

Kenzie climbs into bed with us but sit at the end of the bed because I'm sitting next to Alex. We spend all our time in the same bed except for when we have physical therapy or sleep. It's the only thing that keeps me from having panic attacks right now, the flashback to the shooting is really bad. He has similar flashbacks too, so we get where the other is coming from.

"How are you doing. Can I see the bullet?" kenzie asks and I bite my lip "I don't have it. They don't allow you to keep that silly" I tell her and try to not have another breakdown. I know she doesn't mean anything bad with it, but it stings.

I can't stop the tears from coming and burrow my head in Alex's neck "what's wrong" kenzie whimpers and my mom comes over to rub my back. "I think it's hard for her to talk about it kenzie. How about we talk about something else" my mom suggests and kenzie reluctantly agrees. She obviously doesn't get what this is like, so I don't blame her.

"You have a room together. Do you cuddle all the time now. I bet you kiss a lot. And he can snuggle you. And I know you love it when he tickles your back under your shirt" kenzie changes the subject and I giggle. We spend all day cuddling so she is right about that, it makes both of us feel better. And I do love it when he runs circles on my bare back.

"When are you coming home Ellie. I want cuddles too. Loads of them. It's not fair that your boyfriend gets all the cuddles and not me. I'm your sister I'm more important, sorry Alex, I like you loads, but I'm her best friend" she states "in a few days" I tell her as I laugh. I want to go home, but the part I'm not looking forward to is being away from Alex. We both need to recover, but it's going to be hard not being together.

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Where stories live. Discover now