the family is together again

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** wendsday december 19th 2035**

-taylors Pov-

Today I'm dropping the kids off to last day of school before the holidays. The school is having meetings tomorrow and Friday so they're letting the kids out early which the girls are excited about. But what they don't know is that today joe is coming home finally. We decided to not tell them and just have him surprise them when they get home from dance. And on Friday the rest of joes' family is flying over because they're all spending Christmas with us over here this year, and my dad is flying in from Tampa.

I reach the hospital and joe is sitting on the edge of the bed smiling at me when I come in "this guy is discharged" he says and grin at me and pull me by my waist closer to him so I'm standing between his legs. "Well, this girl is happy about having her husband back home" I say and kiss him softly.

It's been over a month since he got admitted to the hospital when the car crash happened and I'm so excited to have him coming home. But it's also emotional because there were a few days where I didn't think he would ever come home again because of the severity of the accident. He could have died and is one of the luckiest men in the world. I'm never taking a day with him for granted ever again. "what's wrong love, why are you crying" he says softly and drag me out of my thoughts.

"i'm just happy you're coming home. I was so scared I was going to lose you" I say and my voice crack. "i'm happy I get to come home to you too. Now I will just have physio come to the house Monday through Friday and a nurse come and do a neuro exam a few times a week too. But it's going to be nice to be home with you all again" he says and kiss me softly.

The nurse tells us that he is free to leave and that his prescription of pain meds is ready at the pharmacy to be picked up whenever we get there. So we walk out of the hospital hand in hand.

I'm obviously driving because he hasn't been cleared for that yet. "Oh my god, it's so nice to be outside" he mumbles, and I squeeze his hand. "This feels like a dream, I'm so happy that you're coming home"

-ellies pov-

It's the last day of school before the holidays which is exiting. It's going to be two weeks off vacation days and several of those are without dance too as it's the holidays.

I'm standing by my locker, and someone comes up behind me and cover my eyes, but I could recognize those hands anywhere, so I giggle "good morning baby" Alex says and turn around and I give him a hug "good morning, babe. I'm so excited for Christmas break" I say and grab my books for the next class. "Me too, especially because it means I get to spend a lot of time with you" he says and peck my lips which always make me smile.

"And since tomorrow is our one-month anniversary I want to take you out somewhere" he says and brush the hair out of my face "I would love that" I say and bite my lip. I can't believe that it's been a month already, time has flown by so past and my feelings for him grow stronger every day.

"We could have fun all day" he says and intertwine our fingers and I giggle "that will be fun. We have dance though. But other than that, we are free to do whatever we want"


Its lunch break and I'm sitting with Katie, Lauren and Caroline. Lauren has a boyfriend now too, Lucas, because Alex's best friend has been hanging out a lot with us, so they grew feelings for one another.

"Did your mom have that sex talk with you too" Lauren groans and I giggle "yeah, she had it a few weeks ago and it was mortifying. But she gave me lots of details though so that was good. Aperently the first-time hurts" I say and start to eat.

"I wish my mom would talk to me about that, she said that I'm not allowed to have sex before I'm married" Katie groans. "You can ask me anything and I will try to answer you" I say and shrug. I know that she doesn't have a good relationship with her mom sadly and she is really different than mine.

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