it's not goodbye, it's see you later

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** Sunday October 31st, 2032**

-taylors pov- 

At midnight joe is leaving us to go film a movie in London, and he won't be back before December 22th which is sad but it's just how our lives are. He wanted to stay home since things are like they are with Ellie, but I didn't want him to drop such a dream project, so I'm handling the kids on my own with the help of our nanny. Thankfully I don't have much work right now so I'm free to take the kids for the time being. I'm not dropping new music before January so I'm doing finishing touches in the studio, but I can do that when the kids are at school. Whatever I need to do I can do while they are at school or do some work while they are at their after-school activities. 

Right now, we are getting dressed in warm clothing and going for a walk in our favorite park that is a little piece of freedom here in Nashville. We go there often and since it's so cold we will stop and get hot chocolates from Starbucks on the way for the kids and joe and I will get something with caffeine. 

We order at the drive through and reach the park together. We are counting it as Ellies morning snack for today. 

"it's always so pretty here" aurora says as she gets out of the car, and I hand her the hot chocolate. She wanted white chocolate today while Ellie and Kenzie wanted the normal kind. I got a mocha and joe got a regular latte with salted caramel sirup. I've always loved Starbucks coffee, and a lot of the time when I'm working, I send my assistant out to get me oat milk lattes. 

"It is" Ellie chimes in as we all start to walk. "You know, when I was pregnant with Ellie dad and I came here and at that pavilion we sit at sometimes, that's where he proposed to me" I tell them and smile at joe. They have actually never heard that story, I don't know why we haven't told them, but it has never come up. 

Ellie looks up at me curiously "really? That's cool. Did he gush about how much he loves you" she says teasingly, and I laugh. "He sure did, you know your dad he is a romantic" I say and caress her head and chuckle. 

"yes, it's not my fault that I'm a romantic. After all I was getting engaged to a hopeless romantic, so I had to make it special" joe says and lean over to kiss me "ew, you are so gross" all three kids say, and we chuckle. They do not like when we have any sort of PDA, aperently its embarrassing. 

"You are too old for that, it's weird" aurora says and take a sip of her drink. "You are never too old to show your love for someone. I kiss your mom all the time" joe says, and I poke my tongue out at him. 

"you two are just embarrassing" Ellie says and roll her eyes. "Yes embarrassing" Kenzie chimes in, she is always mimicking either Ellie or aurora and its sort of cute. 

"Are you all going to listen to mom while I'm away and not fight?" joe asks the girls and the say they will. Just like any other siblings they argue from time to time, and sometimes it ends with them screaming at one another and they end in separate rooms to cool down again. 

Having three girls is challenging because they are usually more emotional than guys and they are all stubborn like me so that makes it challenging, but I wouldn't change anything about them at all. They're all perfect just the way they are. I wish I could take Ellie pain away but all I can do about that is be there for her, that's probably the only thing I wish I could change, I wish I could take her pain away. 

We reach a playground, and we throw away our empty cups and all go and climb on the playground that's empty of other children. Its late autumn so it's cold and the leaves have all fallen from the trees and covering the ground but that doesn't keep us from having some fun. 

There is this jungle gym thing that joe tries, and I go sliding with Kenzie while aurora and Ellie climbs in this spider net type of thing. We love to play with the kids here, it's so much fun for all of us.

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