girl talk with friends

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"i'm looking forward to seeing the videos, daddy has promised me to videotape your performance" I say and give aurora a big hug in the doorway. They are leaving for gymnastics meet two hours away from home, so they are staying in a hotel there for the weekend. Its late Friday and they are on their way out now because she is competing tomorrow and Sunday. Kenzie is going with them even though she isn't competing this weekend. 

"Bye mom" she mumbles, and I give kenzie a hug too and joe a kiss which makes the girls groan. 

** Saturday 4pm **

Today we are celebrating Ellies birthday with a sleepover with some of her friends. Blake, betty and Selena are flying in to celebrate with us. Lauren and Abigail is coming over and Katie from school is coming. Actually, Ellie has made a new friend that's coming too, and her name is Caroline, and they dance together. Us adults aren't cool enough aperently to hang with them, but we will have fun together and hanging out. 

Ellie is done at ballet, and we are just waiting for the others to come over. Blake and Selena texted that they are on their way from the airport now and both of us is really excited for it. I haven't seen Blake or Selena in forever, we talk on the phone all the time, but it's been a while since we have been in the same place. We are all working a lot and Blake has three kids too even though James is out of the house at college by now. 

The doorbell rings and we let Selena, Blake and betty into our house. "Oh my god it's so nice to see you all" I say and bring each of them in for hugs. Ellie comes too and greet them. Selena and Blake are her godmothers, so they have seen her grow up. Selena was actually the first person other than joe that I told I was pregnant. I remember that day in la when I ran away from joe to Selena's house and talked to her. 

Betty and Ellie disappear into the playroom that we have set up for their slumber party. We have pushed the furniture to the side and laid out mattresses with doves and pillows ready to go. It's going to be a fun night for them and us adults are going to hang out in the living room drinking wine and having our own fun. We have been banned from the playroom that now have a door. When they were kids, it didn't have a door but now the girls like more privacy, so a door was installed. It's also pretty soundproof so they get a lot of privacy. 

Before I can sit down the door goes off again and its Abigail with Caroline, Lauren and Katie that she picked up on the way over. I say hi to the girls before they disappear into the playroom with the other girls. 

The adults sit down in the Livingroom "it's so nice to be together again, it's been forever" Selena groans and we all agree. We don't get to spend nearly as much time together as we did before. Selena lives in Texas, Blake in upstate new york and Abigail obviously lives here but she works a lot. 

"We need to do this more often" I say and mean it. Having a group of friends is important. Many years ago, I had the famous "squad" but I don't even talk to most of them anymore. I've learned that I'm much happier with having a few really good friends than many that only wants to hang out if it's documented for the world to see. I was never comfortable with the whole squad thing; it was so forced. The problem and the reason why I even unintentionally formed it was because I was so excited that people wanted to be my friends. When I grew up, I was bullied and no one wanted to be my friend, so when I suddenly got popular and everyone wanted to be my friend, I didn't think critically about who I was letting into my life. 

"Where is joe and the younger kids" Selena asks "they are at gymnastics meet two hours away, so they are staying at a hotel for the weekend. Aurora has a level 9 meet and is so excited because most likely they are bumping her up to level 10 after this" I'm so proud of her for that her hard work is paying off. I don't pressure any of the girls to achieve stuff like this, but it makes me exited to see how exited they are for what they are able to do. 

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