beeping machines

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-taylors Pov- 

Many hours pass and we are just sitting here waiting for someone to tell us what's going on. The waiting part is excruciating because for all we know there could be complications. But eventually the surgeon comes into the room. 

"i just operated on your husband. We got the blood out after opening up a big part of his skull and put in a drain to keep the blood from collecting again. There was no herniating during surgery which is a good thing. The pupils are responsive which is also a good sigh. We moved him up to the neuro ICU and is in a medically induced coma for now. After a few days we will go down on the sedation and wait to see if he wakes up. Brain surgery is tricky with this because the brain is so complex. The surgery was successful but there is no predicting how his brain is going to respond to the trauma" he explains to us, and I try to take it in. 

That means that he is alive and at least that's a positive sign that I'm going to cling too. "When can I see him?" I ask him. "When you're discharged you can see him unless you have some sort of infection, we need to keep from transferring to him. And if you have any wounds they need to be under a waterproof dressing, so we don't risk anything transferring to any of the patients" he says and now I hope I get out of her asap. 

Eventually Austin and my mom takes aurora and kenzie home and my mom says she will come with clothing for us in the morning. We decided that we will keep the girl's home from school tomorrow and Friday at least so they can process what's happening. I think that it is good for them to continue with their normal routine as much as possible when things are crazy, but I don't want to push too much either. Tomorrow they are going to gymnastics though because they asked to go. I know for aurora at least that's where she gets to let her mind go and only focus on the work she is doing. Just like music is for me and dance is for Ellie. 


Both Ellie and I have been woken up every hour all night to make sure we are fine and now it's early morning and my mom is coming with clothes for us. I've been told that they are letting me go upstairs soon even though I'm not discharged yet because they want a key person to be there at ward round in the ICU to give them an update on the condition of the patient. 

A doctor comes in and do an exam on me to make sure that it's okay for me to go and then a nurse comes to change the dressings on the wounds. It hurts a lot today too, but I know it's important. 

My mom got me sweats set and some underwear that I slip into and brush out my hair before pulling it up in a bun. My hair has blood in it because I got a wound in my scalp but its superficial. Actually, I have specks off blood several places so when I get home, I need a long and thorough shower or something. "mom are you going to see dad now?" Ellie asks and I nod. "Yes, and I will be back and tell you what they say after I've talked to the doctors. Grandma is going to be here with you though" I tell her and kiss her forhead. 

A nurse and one of my securities led me up to the neuro ICU where joe is staying. I don't think anything can prepare me for what I'm about to see because it's not something you ever think would happen to someone you love. Joe is always such a strong force in my life and knowing that he is really vulnerable now and unable to move or breath on his own is terrifying to me. I need him to be okay, I need him to recover and come home to us. 

I take a deep breath before I walk into the room, he is staying in. It's a private room with a nurses station right outside that keeps an eye on him 24/7. The room is filled with medical equipment, and he is laying in a bed in the middle of the room with a tube breathing for him and the machines are beeping constantly. It's a sight I could never imagine seeing. He looks like he is sleeping but i'm not fooled by that because I know they give him lots of medications to keep him sedated. Aperently that's important to give his brain time to heal and not swell. 

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ