joe is home

759 20 22

** Monday december 19th, 2032**

-taylors pov- 

I'm sound asleep when there is Noice in my bedroom, so my eyes shoot open, and I sit up in bed. "Joe?" I say and furrow my eyebrows in confusion before I realize that he is really here and pull him down for a hug "hi my love" 

We exchange a kiss and I smile against his lips "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in London?" 

He pulls away from the hug and strip down to his boxers and grab some pajamas before getting in beside me. "I was in London. But filming wrapped early so I got on the first flight here to surprise you guys" 

I snuggle close and lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me "i'm so happy you're back" I say and jawn, it is the middle of the night after all and tomorrow the kids have school. "i'm happy to be back. Now go back to sleep, we have kids to deal with in the morning" 

It doesn't take long before both of us is back asleep. 


The alarm goes off and I groan, time to get up but I smile when I feel that I'm still wrapped securely in joes' strong arms. "Morning love" he says in a raspy morning voice. 

I jawn and sit up in bed "morning babe. Time to get the kids up and out of the house. Plus, they are going to be really surprised when they see you're home" 

Over the years I have actually grown to love mornings because we make sure to eat breakfast together and do homework before we take off for school. We don't have time for homework after school because of the after-school activities so we do it in the morning. Plus, when they are home from gymnastics and dance, they are tired and hungry, so whenever we try to do it after school it ends with yelling and tears. It's better for all five of us to get it done and out of the way in the morning. 

I slip into a sweater, jeans and pull my hair up in a ponytail. I'm not actually seeing people, so I don't bother with makeup. I try to not wear makeup every day because it's not good for my skin and I want the kids to know that they don't need to wear makeup to be pretty. 

Joe goes downstairs to make breakfast while I wake the girls up. I always start with Ellie because she is the one that uses the longest to get ready. So I knock on the door and go in and turn on the light. "Morning sweetie. Time to get up and get ready for school" I tell her and brush her curly hair out of her face and kiss her forhead. "Mom no I don't want to go" she groans, and I chuckle. 

"You know if you get up there might be a surprise for you downstairs" I tell her and pull her curtains open to let in some light before waking the other girls too. They all seem intrigued by this surprise that's waiting for them downstairs. Abigail has already gotten up and downstairs and Lauren is getting out of bed too when I make my way downstairs. 

I go into the kitchen and wrap my arms around joe from behind and lay my head against his back. "Missed me already" he chuckles. 

"you two are adorable" Abigail says and get the lunchboxes out of the fridge. "I got my baby back. I'm happy" I say and kiss his cheek before getting the table ready. 

"Daddy!" Kenzie yells when she comes into the kitchen and run into his arms "hi Kenzie" 

Kenzie's screams got the other kids moving too and I can hear them running down the stairs and they come into the kitchen with big smiles and hugging their dad too. They ask the same questions I did about how he got home, and he tells them too that he got out of work early. 

It's been calm on set since everything went down with his ex. She actually got fired because she got a warning when the director found out about the headlines, and then she tried to seduce joe again in front of the whole crew and that got her fired on the spot. She wasn't acting professionally at all and neglecting her work responsibilities in favor of hanging around joe trying to get into his pants basically. Since then, we haven't heard much from her and the gossip about it has died down at school too which is good for the girls. 

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