long live

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(A/N hope you all are enjoying this book so far because its going to be a really long one because I have a lot of content I want to write about but I want to keep it all in this one book. so we will see how many chapters we end up with but I have lots of chapters waiting to be posted. there will be one chapter after this and then there is a time jump coming)

** Friday may 13th, 2033**

-Taylors Pov-

We are in LA for the rock and roll hall of fame ceremony today and I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. It's a big deal, it's probably the biggest honor you can get in music. Its bigger than a Grammy or a star on the walk of fame.

I feel like over the years I've asserted my place in the industry more firmly and I'm confident that I belong here. There was a time in my life where I felt like I needed to seek others approval, to prove myself and that I belong her. But now I know that seeking for people's approval and changing to fit what they want me to do, isn't going to get me where I want to go. I needed to lose myself to find myself back in 2016 which is now 17 years ago. 17 years ago, my world crumbled, and I decided to build it back up but this time on my terms. I found myself when I was so hated that there was no getting approval from the crowds, there was no chance, so I took that as a chance to emerge as the person I wanted to be all along.

My whole family is here today for the ceremony because it's such a big deal. And joes' family too, but at this point I consider them my family too. I've known them for 17 years and they took me in as a part of their family from the first time I meet them. There are also plenty of my friends coming today that want to celebrate this monumental time for me.

The rock and roll hall of fame isn't something you easily get into. It's reserved for people that have been in the industry for a minimum number of years yes, but there is more to it than that. You need to have achieved something that sets you apart from everyone else. You need to be a household name that is going to be remembered even after you retire. It's a ceremony where they celebrate all you have accomplished and what mark you have had on the industry. Most people don't get this honor before they are pretty old, but I'm getting it under a year after I was eligible at all. It's a big deal to me.

-ellies pov-

I'm in my room trying to decide which dress to wear for the ceremony today. I'm nervous because I'm doing a thing that's a surprise for my mom. It's a need-to-know thing and hardly anyone know about it. Just who absolutely need to know knows anything about it. I asked my dad, and he was all for it if that's what I wanted to do, so I'm doing it. The hall of fame that hosts this whole thing was really excited for the idea and told us that it would be amazing, so I hope my mom likes it.

I'm really proud of my mom for doing this, she is a force of nature that I aspire to be like someday. I don't want to be exactly like her, but I want to have her work ethic and passion for whatever I end up doing. but I also want to be a good person, just like she is. My mom is the type of person that drops everything she is doing, no matter how important it is, if the people closest to her need her. She is the type of person that greets everyone in a room, even the staff when most celebrities don't even acknowledge them. She is the person that tips at drive throughs because she wants them to feel appreciated. And she is the person that will sit with me all night and let my cry against her chest if I need her.

I settle for this really pretty black dress that we got when we online shopped a few weeks ago. It's simple and pretty. Besides it's a little black dress and that's never wrong.

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