CVS footage

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-taylors Pov-

But just as a make out session was getting heated my phone goes off and its tree... I stand up from straddling joes lap and pick up "hi tree"

"Hi Taylor" she says and there is an awkward pause. "what's wrong?" I can already tell that something is up.

"There is video and pictures of Ellie yesterday at a CVS with her boyfriend. And by the looks of it she is buying condoms and they are laughing and kissing in the video. It was sold to TMZ and now it's everywhere online. People are calling and asking for coments" my jaw drops. It's not even out that Ellie has a boyfriend, we have managed to keep that private so far.

"Oh my god. I don't know what to say tree" I tell her and walk into the kitchen and sit down on the kitchen counter, but joe comes after me clearly knowing that something is wrong.

"i've sent you the link now, so you can take a look at it. I don't know if you even want to respond. They are hormonal teenagers, at least its proof they are practicing safe sex, so there is that" she says, and I sigh. I know that if its reached tree it sure as hell has reached her school and that will be a nightmare for her.

"If anyone asks for coments just say that we don't comment on our children's personal lives. Leave it at that. We don't want their private life all over social media" I tell her, and she agrees.

When we hang up, I go to my messages and clink the link she sent. There it is. They are giggling and kissing at the CVS by the condom shelf. And they are seen leaving with a pack of condoms. Joe is standing next to me watching the video and we are silent, what do we even do right now.

"This is what I was afraid off... well one of the things. She should have known better than to go to a CVS. Now everyone knows our daugther is having sex. Holly shit. I don't even know... This is why she shouldn't be having sex at all. I should have put my foot down. And everyone we know is going to see this too. This is why she is too irresponsible to be having sex" joe yells.

"Joe calm down. Screaming at me won't help the situation. This isn't about you, and it isn't about me. It's about her. This affects her more than it does us. This isn't her being irresponsible, this is her being a teenager that would rather get condoms than have unprotective sex. We should actually be proud of her for that for the record. I don't want her having sex either, but she is having sex. She is also being responsible about it. She sat yesterday completely mortified at the doctor's office listening to everything you need to think about, and then she went out and got condoms herself yesterday even though she knows I would have sent my assistant out for some if she asked me. She takes her birth control, and she uses condoms. She isn't being irresponsible" I tell him with a raised voice.

I hate this situation too, but the last thing she is being is irresponsible. Her actions prove that she is being responsible with this and is mature enough to handle this responsibility. She is doing everything right in terms of staying safe so I'm not going to let anyone use that against her. It probably wasn't the best idea to head to CVS and get them herself, but at least she had the right intentions.

"This is going to be nightmare for her" he groans and lean his arms on the counter. "i know and I agree it's a horrible situation. But I'm not going to have you say she is irresponsible because she is not joe. And also, you setting your foot down wouldn't have made a difference either. She would have had sex anyway, but she wouldn't have come to me about it and could have ended up with an STD or get pregnant. Teenagers find a way to have sex whether their parents want or not. But she is being responsible"

When he looks at me, he is almost in tears and that makes me emotional too and I wrap my arms around him "there is so much going on. Its suffocating" he mumbles and burrow his head in my neck. "I know babe. It's a lot. Auroras stuff, Ellies teenage stuff and then keeping an eye on kenzie. It's overwhelming. And on top of all of that there are hardly time for you and me to be together. We are lucky if we get a moment every so often" I tell him.

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon