sparks fly

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** monday November 19th 2035**

-ellie Pov- 

I'm at school again today as the doctor cleared me on Thursday. It's not fun to be back here, I just don't like it because of the mean girls. But most of the kids are nice to me at least so that's good. Not to mention that it's fun being with my friends because since I'm at dance so much I don't get to spend that much time with them. 

I'm standing at my locker putting my books when a voice calls my name "Ellie!" it's Alex and my heart flutters. "Hi Alex" I say with a smile as I turn to face him. 

He leans against the lockers and have this cute grin that gives me butterflies "where have you been? You haven't been at dance for over a week and you're always there" 

He noticed that I wasn't there? "yeah, I was in an accident and couldn't dance or go to school because I had a concussion" I tell him. Why did I even tell him that? I should play it cool. God Ellie you're so weird. 

"Are you okay now? It's always more fun when you're around" he says and I can't keep a blush from creeping up on my cheeks making them feel hot. "I like being around you too" I say and then I panic "I mean if that's what you meant though. I don't know" i say and look down embarrassed.

"That was what I meant. You're so cute when you blush" he says, and I can't help but look back at him and grin. His smile is so.... enchanting. "so, I've been gathering up the courage for this so here it goes. Would you consider going out with me? On a date" he says, and I bite my lip "I would love to" 

His chestnut brown eyes light up and I find myself getting lost in them but then I remember the security thing. "but... There is one thing and I hate to do this" i say and look away. But then I feel a hand on my chin, and he tilts my head so I'm looking at him again "tell me" 

"Because... because of my situation. Well, my parents' situation. I kind of need to have security tag along.... god this is so embarrassing. But that's the only way my parents let me go anywhere." I tell him and play with my fingers. This is probably the moment when he runs for the hills, this is too much for anyone to deal with. What 15- and 16-year old's need to have security tag along on their date, that's embarrassing. 

"don't worry Ellie. It's not a big deal. I know you always have security around so it's fine. I mean a bit weird, but I don't care about that. All I care about is that I finally get to take this amazing girl out" my heart melts from his words and how understanding he is. "Thank you. Sorry, this isn't so normal. But that's just how my life is" 

"How about I pick you up from your house at like 7pm tomorrow and we go see a movie? Take advantage of the canceled dance class" he asks, and I nod "that would be fun" 

Our conversation is abruptly interrupted by a voice I know all too well "Alex. There you are, I was looking for you... oh you're talking to... that girl" she says and look at me in disgust. "Anyway. I think it's about time that you ask me out don't you think" Rebecca says and batt her eyelashes and my heart drops. Does he like her more than me? Maybe he is just going out with me to make her jealous? I mean she is prettier than me. 

"Sorry, that's not happening Rebecca. Not interested" he says politely, and I do a victory dance inside. "you're wasting your time on that trainwreck. you haven't been here too long so you wouldn't know. She is an anorexic, self-harming mess with parents so famous they are clearly emba---" Alex cuts her off "stop that shit talk Rebecca. I'm not interested in your subjective opinion, I didn't ask for it and don't want it. Go away now, I'm not asking you out and you were actually, and rudely, interrupting a conversation" he says confidently and her jaw drops. 

Rebecca is not one of those girls that are used to anyone talking back to her or not just going along with what she wants and says. Everyone usually follow her around like lost puppy's or cave to her every desire just to keep themself from getting on her bad side. 

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