the birds and bees

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-taylors pov- 

Joe is moving his hips and hitting just the right spot when the door opens and our eyes widen and Ellies jaw drops and she covers her eyes "ew, what the... what are you doing? That's so nasty" she says and pretends to gag as she runs out the room and joe and I turn to face one another, with him still in me might I add and don't really know what to do. 

He pulls out of me, and I get into some panties and one of his shirts "i'll talk to her. I don't think she want to have the birds and the bees talk with her dad as he has a penis and not a vagina" I say and kiss him. "haven't you already talked about it?" he asks. 

"yeah, a little bit when she was 9 and she asked about what sexual orientations was and gender and that sort of stuff. And then when she asked what sex was, I said that it's something adults do because it makes them feel good and it's how babies are made" I say and chuckle. We had that conversation after the frozen premiere as she were sitting on the couch of our LA home. 

I go to Ellies room, and she is sitting in bed looking really uncomfortable, so I come and sit next to her. "so what were you doing. You were naked, dad was naked, and you were rubbing your genitals together. It looked disgusting" she says and scrunch her nose.

"You know we talked a few years ago about sex and how consenting adults can do it if they feel like it makes them feel good. That's sex" I tell her honestly. We are already caught so might as well have the birds and bees' conversation. 

"yeah, but I didn't think... Ew.. How does that even feel good" she asks. "Well, when you really like someone, and they make you feel good and touch you in certain spots it builds up pleasure and you get what's called an orgasm" 

"so dad does things to you that makes you get that feeling?" she asks, and I nod "yes, he does. And when you're older you might like that too. But first of all, you need to be at an age where you can give consent, and you can't give consent for sexual intercourse before you're 18. And then there are several things you need to think about before you have sex with someone so it can be good but also safe" 

She seems really curious about all this actually so I might as well just tell her. "When you have sex it's important to protect yourself from two things, something called sexually transmitted diseases and then from unwanted pregnancies. So for sexually transmitted diseases there are something called condoms and then for pregnancy its birth control" 

"Why haven't you told me this before. I feel so stupid. I hear some kids at school talking about it, but I had no idea how it worked. You've said some things but not this" she says and sit with her legs crossed and face me more so she can see my face. "I was waiting for the right time. It's an important conversation to have, and I'm always here to answer any questions you have about sex. You can always come to me" 

"But something that's really important Ellie is that both people consent to have sex. Because if one of the people say no and the other person force them to it its illegal and it's called rape. You are always allowed to say no at any point when you have sex. If I say no to daddy, he isn't allowed to do it anymore, that's the law. Consent is something really important" I tell her honestly. I really want my girls to know that they are in control of their own body, that they have a right to tell someone that they are not allowed to touch them. 

"do you ever say no to dad?" she asks and bite her nails "ever since we were in that basement every once in a while, I panic, and we have to stop what we are doing because I get flashbacks. But then he stops, and that's what's important. If any one of the people having sex says stop, that means stop immediately" 

It has happened a handful of times that him pressuring me has hade old memories from Adam come back and I panic. But when I do, he stops and cuddle me instead. Never once has he ever pressured me to have sex, never in all the years we have been together. The same way I don't pressure him either. Both of us need to want to do it if we are going to do it because consent is so important. It doesn't matter that we have been married for 11 years because consent is still so important. 

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