its time to talk

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-ellies pov- 

My nails are digging into his back and his hips are making movements. I'm whimpering in pleasure when the bedroom door opens, and my parents walk in. Everyone's eyes widen. 

My dad's face turns red "Elliana Alwyn" he screams, and I flinch. My mom turns both of them around and I grab the nearest blanket to cover our naked bodies. "Get dressed. Meet us downstairs Ellie" my mom says and manage to get my dad out of the room. 

Alex and I stare at one another, this is bad. They just walked in on us naked and having sex. They just saw me with my boyfriend between my legs thrusting into me and none of us can probably ever forger this. 

"i'm so sorry" I tell Alex as we are quickly getting dressed. Neither one of us really know what to say right now. The love that was in the air moments ago is now uncomfortable. But we don't have a chance to talk about it because I need to go downstairs to talk to my parents. 

I can't walk the stairs, so I sit down and carefully go down the stairs with my cane in my hand. 

When I go into the livingroom my parents are standing there with red faces and my dad looks really mad. "What do you have to say for yourself Elliana. This is not okay" my dad screams at me. 

"What would you want them. For me to have sex at school, in a car, while you're sleeping or would you rather me do it when I know we will have the house to us selves for a while. You weren't supposed to be home for a few more hours" I yell back at him. I know he is uncomfortable about my choice to have sex, but that's not his choice to make. And I would think that he would rather me do it in the privacy of our own home than some random place. 

"I don't want you to have sex at all. You're... it's one thing after another with you now" he screams at me again. 

"that's not your choice to make" I scream back at him with tears welling up in my eyes. Why can't they understand that this is my choice, and my choice alone. I'm in charge of what I do with my own body, that's how this works. "And it's the only thing you focus on, that I'm doing that. You don't see anything else I do because you're so emerged in that single thing. You don't see me anymore dad!" 

I wipe under my eyes where tears are threatening to fall, right now I'm in a mix of sadness and anger. Why did they feel like they should come into my room without knocking? Isn't that the respectful thing to do? And they should have known I would have sex when I decided to stay home with Alex instead of going with them to the event. They are being really unfair on me and I'm so sick off it, they treat me like I'm a baby still, but I'm not. 

"i'm your dad. Of course I will pay attention to you when you make mistakes. This is a mistake Elliana. I'm done with you doing one reckless thing after another. If you want to do mature things, you need to take responsibility for your actions" he continues to scream at me, and I want to roll my eyes, but I don't because I know that would make him even madder. 

"i'm not making mistakes. Just because you don't agree and are judgmental doesn't mean I'm making a mistake. Just because you waited until you were 18 to have sex doesn't mean I need to wait. I'm perfectly capable of making these decisions. Let's not forget that I'm basically a genius. I'm more mature than most 15-year olds. Don't forget that" I yell back at him with a cracked voice. What he is saying hurts, it stings. They are being really unfair, and if he insists on yelling at me, I'm going to yell back. I don't deserve this crap; I haven't done anything wrong. 

-taylors pov- 

"Both of you. Quiet. And sit down on the couch. I'm not listening to you two screaming at one another anymore" I tell them, and they do as they are told. Both of them try to say something but I tell them to stop talking. 

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