meeting patients

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** friday may 2nd 2036**

-taylor pov-

We are going to the children's hospital this morning to have the mini concert for the cancer patients. The schools are out today so aurora is coming with us while Ellie chose to stay home and have her boyfriend over.

Before we head to the common room, they hock kenzie up to her chemo for the day so that can run while we are here.

There are plenty of kids in the common room when we arrive, I would ray about fifteen kids and some parents. I'm nervous because I don't want to mess this up, I want this to be a good thing for them. These kids are fighting all kinds of cancer and I wish there was something I could actually do but I can't, so I'm doing this instead.

"hi I'm Taylor" I say as I sit down on the chair, they gave me and take out my guitar and capo. "i'm Mackenzie's mom, well she goes by kenzie, you might have seen me in the hallways. The hospital asked me if I would mind coming here and playing some music for you all if that's okay?" I tell them and look at their faces.

The children are a range of different ages from probably five up to some that look like they're teenagers. "so the hospital asked me if I would see if anyone had any questions that you might want to talk about or anything, and then I can play some songs" I suggest and I get nods and several people saying yes.

"Where do you keep your awards?" one girl that looks to be around Ellies age probably asks. "We do have houses different places, so I put them in different locations. Some are in storage at my organization's office. And then my kids have taken some of them into their rooms" I say. I remember Ellie taking my first Oscar many years ago and it's still on her nightstand all these years later.

"When do you write music?" another one asks. "I don't have a certain time or place I do it. Sometimes I get an idea where I end up running to my phone and recording it in my voice notes. And sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, stumble over to the piano downstairs where I work on it" I would add that some of them I write after one too many glasses of wine, but that wouldn't be appropriate for a room filled with children.

"What is your favorite song you've written?" a young boy asks, and I smile at him. "i have different relationships with different songs and albums, they are all special to me. But I think that the fan favorite, all too well 10-minute verson, will always have a special place in my heart. My fans seem to love it and I love to hear them scream the lyrics back to me" I tell him with a gentle smile.

I look over at kenzie who seems really happy. She has moved from her wheelchair to joes' lap on a chair while aurora sits with another sibling of a cancer patient that she has meet in the playroom here.

"Do your kids love all your songs or are there some they don't like? And how old are they?" a little girl asks who is sitting in a big sibling's lap. "I have three kids, Mackenzie who is sitting right there in her father's lap, she is 10 years old. Then next to them is aurora and she is 12 and a half years old. Then our oldest is Elliana who is 15 and a half years old" I start by saying who the kids are and what ages they are, just like the girl asked. "As for songs I think they've gotten a bit tired of my music, which I don't blame them for" I say, and everyone chuckle.

"I imagine that you kids don't find it fun to listen to your parents talk about work all the time. It's like that for my girls too. But we can ask them, kenzie, aurora what are your least favorite songs?" I ask them and kenzie doesn't hesitate "I don't like shake it off, I've heard it so many times, it's boring" kenzie says and it causes a wave of laughter in the room. "And I don't like... her songs that talk about.... tender feelings between my parents. I don't want to listen to that" aurora says and scrunch her nose which causes people to laugh again.

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