going to his house and important conversation

604 17 11

** Sunday November 25th 2035**

-taylors Pov- 

We get to the hospital for a visit before Ellie has ballet rehearsal for the nutcracker. She is dancing sugarplum fairy which is really exiting. I wish that joe could get to see it, but he probably won't since he is in the hospital, and if he gets out before Christmas he needs to have quiet and rest. 

Kenzie runs over to joe in bed, climb in and snuggle next to his as Ellie sits down on the edge of the bed. "hi girls. It's so good to see you" he says and bop both of their noses which makes them laugh. 

"Dad Ellie was kissing her boyfriend and they snuggled on the couch" kenzie says and giggle and I can see Ellies cheeks turning red. 

I sit down on the chair next to the bed and Liz grabs a chair and sit down too. "i heard about that, isn't it cute that she has a boyfriend kenzie? I dont like that she is making out tho" joe says to kenzie who agrees. 

Ellie groans "how did you hear about that" she says and look down "your mom may have told me someone was making out" he says with a smirk and Ellie can't help but giggle. Clearly she has feelings for this guy and that makes me happy, but I'm also scared that he will end up breaking her heart. 

"Is he treating you good? Is he a good kisser" joe tease Ellie and kenzie bursts out laughing "dad I walked in to get something, and I saw they were using tongues, that was gross" kenzie says and scrunch her nose and Ellie is as red as can be. 

"Kissing with tongue is good kissing, or isn't it Ellie?" I tease her too and she looks like she wants to be anywhere but here "mom and dad kiss that way too" kenzie realizes and laugh more. She isn't wrong though, we love a good French kiss. 

"i'm not talking about this" she says and look down, but I see that she is smiling. "But I really like him" she mumbles and that make me happy too. "that's nice Ellie, it's good to really like someone in that way. It's the best feeling" I tell her, and she nods and bite her lip. 


Liz takes Ellie to dance and is taking kenzie home with her too so I can get some time with joe here. We decided to take two cars so I could spend some time with joe alone. It's important that we get time with just the two of us even if that time is spent in a hospital room. 

"She is so adorably smitten with him" joe says and smirk "she sure is. And I might have heard as he was leaving that he called her baby and that was really sweet" I tell him. It was really sweet actually and she was on cloud nine after he left, she looked like she was about to fly away with all the butterflies she was feeling. 

"Calling her baby that's sweet" he says and chuckle "yeah and I obviously didn't see that much but the way he looks at her is just melting my heart. I just hope that she gets to be this happy and not have him break her heart" I say and sit down on his bed and tuck my legs under me. 

"i'm excited to meet this guy. I just need to get out of this place" he says and sigh. "They said that you might get to go home before Christmas, so let's just pray that that's the case" the doctors said that yesterday and I'm holding onto that. They say that he is making remarkable progress and the only thing that keeps him here right now is to make sure that his brain is healing and then he needs to be getting out of bed without a walker and be able to go to the bathroom by himself. That's the criteria they have set and now it's just about getting him there. 

"i'm exited to come home again. I miss you all, I miss being there. Sure you come and visit but it's not the same. I feel like I will heal better if I'm home with you and the girls" I really miss having him home too. It's just not the same there without him, everything is better if he is there with me. 

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon