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** Monday November 1st, 2032**

-ellies pov-

My mom wakes me up and I start getting ready for the day. It's going to be a long day and it's exhausting just thinking about it, but it's also exiting that I am going to ballet after therapy. I don't mind therapy if it means I get to go to ballet after.

'I've been back to school for a month now and it's nice to have something to do during the day even though it means I need to deal with mean girls. It's exhausting but it's better than laying around at home or in a hospital all day. I really want to be able to eat with Lauren and Katie in the cafeteria again, so I don't need to deal with my mom coming to the school. It's so embarrassing that they don't allow me to eat on my own. And in my mind, I should be able to do it by myself since I've been gaining the weight, and if I start throwing it out again, they will know when they weigh me anyway. There is no escaping them knowing because the weight doesn't lie. So I'm going to talk with my therapist about it today. I just want to feel normal and getting taken out of class to eat with your mom isn't normal.

I take my brush with me downstairs so my mom can make a French braid in my hair. I never wear my hair down at school because I get mean coments and I want to avoid that as much as I can. If there is anything I can do to lessen the bullying I do that.

We get to school, and I hug my mom before walking into the school yard to find my friends.

Years ago, I know the school and my parents considered bumping me up a few grades to get on a more appropriate level in terms of my abilities, but I'm happy that they didn't do it, so I get the chance to know the kids my age. If I attended class with kids much older than me, I wouldn't have anyone to talk to and at least now I have two people that are friends. The rest of the class is fine, but they avoid me a lot because of Rebecca and her sidekicks. If anyone tries to stand up for me, they get hell too from her, so I don't blame them.

"hey Ellie!" Rebecca comes over to us when I reach Lauren and Katie. I bite the inside of my cheek, what is it this time.

"isn't it embarrassing this song" she says and hold out her phone. It's a video of my mom at one of her concerts. And I haven't heard this song before.

"Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off (ha, ha, ha)
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off (ha, ha, ha, ha)"

She plays a bit of it and my mom is acting weird on the stage in a stadium and I get weird. Who is she talking about? Dad?

"Your mom singing about seducing your dad for the whole world to see" she says and her and her sidekicks laugh at me, and I look down at the ground.

"at least she got talent... not like your mom" Lauren snaps at her and defends me. Out of the two of us Lauren is the outspoken one and I'm the introvert.

"my mom is a sales rep for a cosmetic brand thank you... at least that's not embarrassing to say" Rebecca says back and hold a hand on her hip.

"well, Ellies mom is the most successful solo artist of all time so it's not even close" she gets back at her and I can't help but smile at how my friend is defending me. I feel bad that I can't do it for myself, but I'm happy that I have people like her around me.

The convo is cut off by the bell ringing and we make our way to the classroom. Lauren sits next to me and whisper in my ear "are you okay?"

"yeah. Thank you for that" I mutter back to her. I'm not okay, I hate when things like this happen, but I don't want Lauren to know that. I don't want anyone to know how I feel about this.

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