she gets to go home

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** friday april 25th 2036** 

-taylors pov- 

I walk out of the room to take trees call "hi tree what's up" I say as I pick up the phone. I'm nervous about what is going on this time. Sometimes she calls with good news, but sometimes it's really bad, usually its bad. 

"I got a call from the cancer center at the children's hospital, they were wondering if you would be interested in grabbing a guitar and singing some songs for the kids in the common room. You have lots of fans admitted there and they have been asking about you" she says, and I take a breath in relief. Thank God it wasn't something bad, I couldn't handle yet another thing right now. 

"of course, I can do that. It would be my pleasure" I tell her. 

The hospital had some dates in mind, so we decided to do it in a week, on Friday. I've always made it a point to take time to visit sick children in the hospital my entire career. Sadly, with everything going on there has been less of that in recent years, but before I had kids I did it all the time. 

After I hang up, I go back to everyone else and tell them what's going on. I'm just relieved it's not something bad for once. 

** monday 28th April **

-ellies pov- 

After picking up Alex we head to the school and I'm really nervous. I don't want to go back today, but I know that the longer I push it the harder it's going to be. As far as I've gathered, most of the kids have gone back to school, expect two or three that are still in the hospital, but everyone else is going back now. It's going to be hard seeing people, but it's also going to be nice as well. It's hard for anyone that wasn't there to understand what we went through, so at least we are in it together. 

"Ellie, call me if you need me okay. I'm only one call away" my dad says and kiss my forhead before we walk out of the car and towards the school. I've got my backpack and my cane while Alex has a rolling backpack now since he can't carry one on his back at the moment. 

We walk in the doors and I'm doing everything I can to keep it together. There are lots of students here, and a lot of them are looking at us. By now everyone knows who got shot and who died, the school has in total around 250 students so it's fairly small. Who died is public knowledge because it's in the media, and then who got shot has been going around the chatgroups at school. 

I put my backpack in the locker and Alex puts his down so we can lean into each others arms. "One step at a time. Now we are here Ellie, so let's take it one class at a time" he tells me and kiss my forhead. "One class at a time" I repeat. 

My security is back to following me to school, they have been outside the school up until now, but now my parents aren't taking any chances anymore. Thankfully there is a senator's son at our school too that has security, so they are together in the teachers' lounge. I don't know exactly why he has a security, because I don't know much about his dad, but at least it means I'm not the only one. Knowing that one of my parents' bodyguards are here is comforting with everything that has happened, now I know that someone is here that is only focused on making sure I'm safe. 

"I love you Elliana" he mumbles into my ear, and I smile "I love you too alexander" I tell him back. We exchange a kiss before we head to the first class of the day. 

-taylors pov- 

I'm sitting with kenzie in the hospital after they have accessed her port and taken blood to run labs when the doctor walks in. "I have good news for you miss kenzie. If your parents feel comfortable, I think it's time for you to do your chemo outpatient. You have side effects, but it seems like your parents handle them well and they are less severe than they were in the beginning. Of course we can admit you again if thigns get worse, but for now we think it's about time that we let you go home" the doctor says and kenzie smiles. 

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