Part 78: Good Things Happen

Start from the beginning

And it's Twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai
Twiddle ee ai dee ei
It's often times a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it's Twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai
Twiddle ee ai dee ei
There's other things to twiddle when the men have sailed away

So next time you're with a lady and she takes you to her bed
Be sure to please her well, and remember what we've said
For if you do not treat her right then know that this is true
Us ladies all can have our fun without involving you

And it's Twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai
Twiddle ee ai dee ei
It's often times a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it's Twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai
Twiddle ee ai dee ei
There's other things to twiddle when the men have sailed away

And it's Twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai
Twiddle ee ai dee ei
It's often times a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it's Twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai
Twiddle ee ai dee ei
There's other things to twiddle when the men have sailed away." She stomped with the beat.

"Mama." Bas tugged at Honey's purple sleeve. "I think you have a good voice."

"Thank you, love." Honey hugged her youngest child.

"What's a whore?" Lime asked.

Conveniently, every adult found something else to do. Some questions didn't need to be answered.

"Chocolate anyone?" Honey offered, pulling out her stash from under a bench.

"Please!" Lily lunged at her friend.


Though young, the children were already proving to be intelligent.

Marvel, Lime and Cole were able to make themselves basic meals. The twins and Harry spoke almost clearly. But the most noticeable difference was the behaviour in the adults.

Honey and James had tamed their pranks but hadn't entirely stopped. Remus had quit smoking. Sirius was able to show emotions without restraint. Peter didn't often visit, but when he did, he looked slimmer than he had before. 

Apparently, he had been working out.

"Hello, my small blonde friend," James popped out of a room as Honey walked down the hall.

"What now?" Honey whined, slowly turning around.

"I need a hug." He sighed, opening his arms towards her.

"Is something bothering you?" Honey whispered.

"Kind of. I miss Pete, he hasn't been around for a while. He's been invited so often. But he never comes!" James became agitated.

Honey placed a hand on the back of his head, just like she did when she wanted to calm her kids down. 

"Why don't we go visit him, then?" Honey offered, letting him calm down.

"Brilliant. This is why we keep you around!" He exclaimed.

"Among other things, yes. I mean, we're practically married to each other's spouses."

"Sirius and I vowed marriage if we're both single by age 45."

"Funny, Lily and I did the same. However, it was 30."

James stepped back, putting his hands on his sister's shoulders.

"Genius. Absolutely brilliant. Let me go amend my marriage promise with your husband."

Honey chuckled, watching him jog away. She was no doctor (Well, she was, but that's irrelevant) but her small remedies seemed to work well.

"Mumma!" Bas ran down the hall, attacking her legs. "Where's Marvie?"

"I think she's upstairs. Want me to help you find her?" Honey turned it into an adventure.

"Yay!" Bas cried, leaping into her arms.

The two ran around, searching almost every room on their way to find Marvel. Honey knew precisely where the young girl was, but wanted to have fun with her son.

"I found her, mumma!" Bas hugged his big sister.

"Way to go, Bas!" Honey praised.

"Marvie, do you wanna go for a walk!?" The toddler bounced, holding his sister's hand.

"Sure," Marvel answered.

"Is papa going with you?" Honey petitioned.

"No," Bibi giggled. "Uncle Jam is coming!"

"Oh dear." Honey sighed, shaking her head. "Is Aunty Lily going too?"

"No, silly!" Bibi laughed again. "Aunty Mary's coming!"

A breath of relief escaped Honey's mouth. "I'm glad."


Sirius was napping on the sofa, when a sudden shriek woke him up.

"Dear lord," He grumbled. "What in Merlin's name is going on?"

"SIRIUS!" Honey streaked down the hall, leaping over the sofa.

She skidded to a halt in front of the fire place, finally sitting on her husband's legs.

"Hello, my love," Sirius muttered.

"Are James and Mary and the kids back yet?" She took a regulating breath.

"No." Sirius sat up.

"Good. I sent Lily out just now for a couple pregnancy tests."

Sirius's head snapped up, looking her in the eyes.

"For her or you?"

Honey's eyes danced with excitement. "Both."

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