Alternate Universes pt.2 /Hyung Line/

Comenzar desde el principio

- You might have Unkowningly met that One Special Someone that Night,That Someone who would make you feel like Royalty,That Someone who made you gave you Feelings you have never had for Anyone Before.

- You Two Indeed fell for Eachother.

- You Two Indeed fell for Eachother

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Jay ~ The lost Phantom

'A Phantom: A Creature who's Powers are Only Awoken when Experiencing Intense Feelings.Usually They are Invisible to the Human Eye and Only Appear when their Powers are being Used,This will Often Leave them by Themselves.When they Appear,They Often make the Humans Feel as if they're Seeing Things that Arent Real or Confuse them.The Excact Origin and Use of the Phantoms Powers is Still Unknown.'

- Covered in Dirt and Scars,You're Sitting in a Deep Forest Crying.Horrible Events that Happend just a few Minutes Before Flash back into your Memory,Making you Cry even more and Histerically.Snot was Running down your Philtrum as you Tried to Wipe the Tears from your Face without Sucess,As Soon you Wiped them off,New Ones were Already Back.

- Fallen into your very own State of Despair you do not Notice a Figure Slowly Approaching you.When the Leaves start Crunching you look up in Suprise and Stare when your Eyes Land on a Unclear Figure infront of you.

- At First you Thought that you couldnt Recognize or Figure out what was Standing Infront of you because of the Tears in your Eyes but after you Sucessfully Calmed Down a little bit,You Realized that,No,It wasnt the Tears but Rather the Figure itself that was Very Unclear and Almost Transparent.

- You Carefully reach out your Hand to Touch the Figure and Find out what it Excatly is,While Doing that the Figure Steps Back and Seems to be in Shock.You cant See Their Facial Expression but you guess that They're Shocked Based on Their Body Language.

- " you...See me?"A Disorted Voice Speaks and the Figure Approaches you again.You Frown at the Figure who's Approaching you,Suddenly the Unsual Appearence of the Figure Changes to the One of Handsome Boy with Well Styled Hair.

- You Slowly Nod your Head and Answer the Boy with that.A Bright Smile Appears on his Face as he Grabs both of your Shoulders and Lifts you up into the air,You Scream in Shock when Suddenly the Air Hits your Face and the Ground is Taken from Underneath your Feet.

- Quickly the Boy puts you back on the Ground.His Arms Wrap around your Body making you feel Somewhat Uneasy.You Push the Boy back with your Hands and Asks him in and Irritated Manner "Excuse me? Who are you?"The Boy takes some Distance to make you feel less Uncomfortable before Answering your Question with a Simpel "I'm Jay."

- You Analyze the Boy who Seems to do the Same with you "Why were you...Crying?"He Asks and Focuses on your Red Cheeks and Nose,Quickly you Hold your Hands up to your Face to Hide Both of the Visible Evidence that you've Cried.You Hesitate to Answer but in the end,You do it Anyway,Might aswell "I...Thought i could Trust this Person...but...they Betrayed me."Jay very Slowly Nods and Seems to Really Think about the Words that just came out of your Mouth.

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