"Your blood pressure's a bit high. I've got something for it." She says walking into the other room as I answer Rebekah letting her know that I'm still at the clinic. Right after I hit send a wolf starts howling outside. Standing up I go over to the window and look out. The hairs on the back of my neck start to rise. A car pulls up outside causing me to look over and see Agnes talking to the doctor. Dr. Paige turns and makes her way back to me with a pill and some water.

"Uh, you know, I'm actually not that good with pills." I lie not trusting this situation.

"Well, me neither, truth be told." She goes over to the counter; however, my attention is caught by several men entering the office and greeting Agnes. As I turn around to question Dr. Paige about it, she's already coming at me with a needle. As she goes to stab me, I grab her wrist taking the needle and slam my head into hers. I inject whatever was in the needle into her neck making her hit the ground. Hearing the commotion, the men start to head my way. I dash to the door slamming it shut and locking it before they can get to it. Thinking quickly, I run over to the window and shove it open. I hastily climb through and take off into the woods.

I hide behind a tree a few yards in and watch them come in my direction with weapons. They don't see me as they pass giving me the opportunity to surprise them. I run towards the last one snapping his neck before he sees me coming. The man that was in front of him turns but I'm already running at him, and I use a tree trunk as leverage to jump on him, using my claws to take out his throat. I quickly pick up his fallen machete and cut another guy coming at me across his chest. I run at the last one and jump up, spinning him around by his shoulder and slicing his neck. I can feel my eyes glowing ember as a different man approaches me, catching me off guard. However, before I have to engage in a fight with him Rebekah appears, snapping his neck from behind.

"I have to say I'm impressed." Rebekah compliments as I catch my breath.

"How'd you find me?"

"Your text got me halfway, vamp hearing did the rest." She explains. "Who are they?"

"Witches, Warlocks, whatever." I reply exhausted. "I'm just glad your here."

"There are more of them." Rebekah exclaims diverting our attention to multiple flashlights headed our way. "RUN!" I listen hesitantly and take off running again, regretfully leaving Rebekah. I don't get far before I hear her gasping in pain.

"REBEKAH!" I yell turning around before an arrow hits my chest causing a hot searing pain to knock me to the ground unconscious.


Hayley's Point of View

Klaus walks through the door making my pacing come to a stop.

"Have you heard from Kelsey?" I ask him frantically causing his eyebrows to pinch together in confusion.

"What do you mean? Is she not here?"

"That Agnes witch talked her into going to see a doctor at a clinic in the Bayou to check the baby" I stress. "She should be back by now and she's not answering her phone." Just as the words left my mouth his phone rings. He pulls it from his pocket and answers it. Using my werewolf hearing I know it's a concerned Rebekah, which does nothing to calm my nerves.

"Kelsey's missing."

"What do you mean she's missing?" He asks.

"What do you think I mean? There's blood and bodies everywhere, someone's ripped this lot to shreds, and there's no sarcastic pregnant girl." She breaths out.

"Keep looking. Hayley and I are on our way." He hangs up gesturing for me to follow, but I'm practically already out the door.


Klaus and I enter a shady looking office to find Rebekah standing over a blonde lady who is laid out on the ground. Hearing us entering she turns and addresses Klaus.

"Well, you abandoned your quest for power to help out your family. Having an off day?" She says smugly.

"Who took her, Rebekah?" He asks calmly.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" He inquires keeping his hands interlocked behind his back and walking in her direction. "Then who killed her attackers?"

"I don't know. I had an arrow in my heart." She defends herself. "If it wasn't Kelsey who killed them, then..." She gets cut off by a wolf howling. I don't wait for them to go investigate. I step outside with the both of them behind me. Kelsey steps around the car with a dazed look in her eyes. Her hair is tangled and matted, dirt covers her from head to toe, and her clothes are torn and tattered. Rebekah and I slow our movements in shock. It's Klaus who, surprisingly, rushes forward.

"Kelsey!" He exclaims almost sounding panicked. "Kelsey, what happened? Tell me what happened." But she looks confused and lost.

"I can't remember." She says lowly. He places a hand on her upper arm and starts scanning her body for any signs of harm.

"You've completely healed." He observes. "There's not a scratch on you."

"One of the perks of being a werewolf, remember?" She says sounding done with the day.

"No." He refuses. "Not that fast"

"Leave her alone." Rebekah intercepts, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leading her to the porch to sit down. "It's the baby. The vampire blood, Klaus' blood in your system. It can heal any wound." She tells her, as she and I sit on either side of Kelsey. "Your own child healed you." I reach up and place my hand on her shoulder lightly squeezing hoping to flood her with some kind of comfort. "How did you escape?" Rebekah asks. "You were outnumbered, unarmed. Those men were ripped to shreds."

"I think it was the wolf." Kelsey replies staring straight ahead directly at Klaus. "I think it's trying to protect me."

"The witches were supposed to protect you." He says advancing on us irritated. "When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux..." He begins to threaten her but I jump in.

"It wasn't Sophie. It was Agnes."

"Fine. Agnes. Sophie. It's all the same to me. I'll slaughter the lot of them."

"Thank god. I hate those witches." Kelsey mutters under her breath.

"Not if Elijah gets there first." Rebekah adds.

"Elijah?" I ask. "Did you find him?"

"He's been in touch, and he has a plan. All he asked is that we take care of you and Kelsey." She tells me causing me to smile.

"If you found Elijah then you found Davina, right?" Kelsey asks hopeful.

"One thing at a time." Rebekah smiles at her reassuringly, while Klaus avoids eye contact.

"I'm too tired to argue about the differences in our priorities." She sighs before looking at Klaus. "So, can we go home now? I'd really like to sleep for a few days." Kelsey stands up, but quickly gets lightheaded and her knees give out. Before Rebekah or I could catch her, Klaus is already swooping her off her feet. 

"Whoa." He says, picking her up bridal style and she immediately rests her head on his shoulder, too exhausted to keep it raised. "I've got you, love. I've got you." Rebekah and I share a look, before following them to the car.

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now