Chapter 154 - Danger

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"I know right?" Ines said smiling. "I was here on my 24th birthday and it was a place that I always wanted to visit."

"You know that your father had a meditation retreat along the shore here where he come to meditate?" Dan told Luke. When they came to Coruscant, Luke decided to tell him the whole story and who his and Leia's father was. He did that because he and Gracy was part of his family and he never lied to his family. They were shocked and surprised but they understood and didn't judge Luke or Leia for that.

"I knew about that but it was destroyed, so to bring it back I had to find it and restore with the force. Maybe someday I will do that and come here to meditate when our kids drive us crazy," he laughed.

They arrived in at the place where the ceremony would happened and it was in a beautiful place near the shore.

Once they arrived, some of the guests looked at them and started to whispered, since they knew who they were. Not paying attention to that, they went to their seats and sitting down, they looked around.

"This is nice I have to say," Han said.

"Sandy was always very meticulous when the subject was her wedding and apparently she didn't change," Leia agreed looking around.

She remembered when they were young and they had like girls nights in her palace, where they talk about how they imagine their wedding would look like, Sandy always wanted a wedding near the water, with flowers and white chairs and a big wedding dress, and she kept her idea cause that was exactly what she was having.

The music started and they all stood up while the bride arrived with her father. The moment she passed by them she wave smiling. Ines couldn't help but smile too. Sandy did change for the good and she was happy for her. Glare to her right she saw Anuska sitting next to Wrein and clearly she had that fake smile and she knew she was very upset that another friend of hers were getting married before her. Somehow she didn't believe for a second she was in love with Wrein. She simply was with him because she didn't want to be the only one single.

"You are thinking the same right?" Leia whispered to her, making her turn her face to her sister in law.

"You too?" Ines asked making Leia nod.

"Are you talking about the fact that Anuska and Wrein are a couple?" Gracy asked.

"Right. Wrein is not the type of guy she wanted, and I'm not talking about physically, if you know what I mean." Leia said. "I knew Anuska better than anyone and we all know the type of guy she wanted to be with."

"Oh I know, but he is mine," Ines said.

"She was always ambitious and thought that people below her were kind of disgusting. She never did go after you because you and Leia were best friends, but she never liked you because for her our family was a servant" Gracy said glaring at her "And now she is dating Wrein? I don't buy it."

"Neither do I. But if I say something to Wrein, he may think I'm jealous which come on, he is my friend that's all."

"Will you girls stop whispering?" Han told them, making them look at him with a frown, "We are trying to pay attention to the wedding here."

Gracy, Leia and Ines looked at each other.

"Sorry General," Ines said and sat straight but they all smirked.


In the Solo's apartment the twins were sleeping, while Ben was watching his cousins playing Dejarik, holding his X-Wing on his left hand and sucking his pacifier, trying to grabbed the creatures but couldn't because they were holograms, being watched closer by 3PO and R2

Star Wars: Cross PathsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz