Thank you for letting me know darling
Do you know why she's planning on doing that?

No problem and like I said Marie likes you so I guess she's decided that she's going to shoot her shot

You look at the time and it's almost 9am so you exit the toilet and go back to Marie
She's got the tray and is throwing the rubbish in the bin
She looks at you and smiles
"we should get going"
You grab your bag and the coffee
"yeah I know I just seen the time" you reply

You and Marie are outside of the class room ready to go in
"You ready to go in?" Marie asks
You nod "yup"
"Cool..let's go"
Marie pauses at the door
"What are you doing" you ask
Marie giggles "I'm pulling my shirt down a bit so you can see my tits"
You roll your eyes
She opens the door
"Good morning prof" she smiles at Tom
Tom looks over to the door and nods
"'Morning ladies"
"Where is everyone" you whisper
Marie shrugs "no idea"
Marie sits closer to the front instead of in your normal seats
You look at her confused "why are you sitting here?"
She smiles then looks at Tom and then back at you
Oh right she's actually going ahead with this
"Ahh okay"
Tom comes at you with a piece of paper
"I've marked your tests..well done y/n"
You smile at him and he smiles at you "thank you"
He turns around so he's no longer facing you then turns back around "I apologise"
Marie looks at you and you look at Tom
"For what?" You ask
"For being as you said a dick to you"
You shake your head "it's fine to- professor"
Marie looks at you and whispers "was you going to call him by his first name?"
You shot your eyes to her "gosh no I erm I was going to say it's fine trust me but then I changed my mind"
Marie nods
"So prof did you have a nice weekend?" Marie ask Tom
Tom lifts his head up and clears his throat
"I did indeed" He looks at you
Your cheeks warm up and you hold in a smile
Marie gets up and goes to toms desk
She leans over it
"so what did you get up to nice?"
You could literally rip her head off her chest is right In front of toms face
You can see he's trying to not look at her
"Marie can you go back to your seat please"
She pouts "but I'd rather be here with you" she then strokes his hand
I swear to god
girl get your hand off him
Tom pushes her hand and stands up
"This is unacceptable, sit back down now
Or I'll have choice but to kick you out"
You smirk
"Damn I love it when you speak to people in that tone it makes me wet" Marie purr's
Something snaps in you
"Marie just sit fucking down"
Both toms and Marie's eyes were on you
She actually listens to you
"Damn what's got into you" she asks
"I- well I didn't want you to get thrown out of the class"
Marie crosses her arms "honestly it seems like your jealousy" she mumbles
You pretend that you didn't hear her
Well obviously I'm jealous
You're acting like a slut around someone who is mine
"What did you say" you ask
Marie shakes her head and smiles "nothing"
The class was quite empty there were only sound 6 people in there
You cleared your throat "where is everyone?"
Tom up to see who's asking him that
When he realises it's you his face softens
"Half of the class have gone on a trip and I think it's just you lot who's going to be in this lesson so today
Class this as a study or free lesson since there's no point in me teaching because half of the class isn't here"

When the lesson started you had nothing to do so you either went on your phone or doodled in your notebook
You and Marie hardly talked probably because how you acted when she was flirting with Tom
But if it was the other way round she wouldn't like it
When you guys did talk she let you know that she's going to her parents house on Christmas break
Which is the week after next week, which is fine because you're used to spending that time alone anyway
That's if you're not at your parents but you haven't been in two years because you've been busy
An idea came into your head when Marie told you she's going to her parents and that was to ask Tom if he would like to come over and spend Christmas with you
That's if he isn't busy or anything
You wonder if he's told his family about you
You haven't told anyone about Tom, you really want to but you can't not until you're no longer a student
After you come back from Christmas break there's a few more months then another break and then that's when you graduate
You'd tell everyone the day you graduate but Tom told you to leave it a few weeks
It's almost been a week since you've been together and even though it's early days you'd think about things like would you ever move in with each other
Would you get married even have kids
How long will you guys last
Your phone catches your attention
And it's a message off Tom

I love you xx

Your heart does the weird fluttering thing
You smile at your phone and look at him
He smiles back

I love you too xx

You look at the time and notice class will be over in 3 minutes so you pack the things that you had taken out of your bag
Then Tom speaks "right ladies and gents
You can leave, y/n can you stay behind please I need to speak to you about something"
Marie nudges you "do you want me to wait for you?"
You shake your head "no"
Marie sighs "right well I guess I'll see you after"
Marie follows the rest out of the class room
And Tom heads over to the door and locks it
You then make your way over to him and hug him
He hugs you back
"Are you okay?" Tom asks
"You sure"
You look up to Tom " I wanted to kill my best friend"
Tom laughs
"and if you did that you'd be sent to prison and we'd never see each other again"
Tom picks you up and heads to his desk and sits down with you on his lap
You place your head on his chest
"True but it stops her from never flirting and touching you"
Tom kisses your head and starts playing with your hair
"So what did you want to speak to me about?" You ask
"Oh nothing I just wanted to spend some time with you"
You smile "don't you have a class?"
"I do in 20 minutes" he replies
"So what do you want to do" you ask while drawing circles on toms chest with your finger
You can tell Tom has a smirk on his face
He whispers "I have an idea in mind"
You giggle biting your lip "I bet you tempting as it is we can't"
"Why not?"
You lift your head up from toms chest
"Because it wouldn't surprise me if Marie's outside waiting for me and she'll hear's too risky"
"Maybe another time then"
You gently slap toms chest
"Have you told her about us by any chance"
You shake your head "no I haven't why do you ask"
"Because you mentioned how she's been acting weird when you came from mine I just thought you might of told her"
"I want to so bad so she backs off..90% of our conventions are about you and what she'd do to you but she seems to be talking about you more than the other professors"
"Hey you never know she might of found out about us and she's doing this on purpose to piss you off" Tom says jokingly
You laugh and shake your head "I would know if she found out"
Tom leans down cups your cheek and kisses you
You place your arms around his neck
"Hmm" you Mumble against his lips
Tom parts from the kiss "what?"
"Are you doing anything on the Christmas break"
"I am i'm meeting some friends who are coming over from La"
"Oh okay"
"Why do you ask"
You move your arms from his neck and place them in on your lap
"Well Marie is at her parents and I thought you could come over mine"
He leans his head on yours "I'd love to"
"Wait really?..but what about your friends"
"Well I'd just have to take you with me"
"Are you serious?"
He chuckles "yes..besides I think my friend Lauren will love you"
"What makes you say that"
Tom looks at you "you seem like someone she'll get along with and you're a bit quirky just like her"
You laugh "what about the others will they like me"
"Of course I don't see why they wouldn't"
Tom looks at his watch "it's almost time for my next class"
You get off toms lap and kiss his cheek "I best be off then"

Notes~This was less than 1000 words but as I was editing it I had an idea so I basically started over again💀

On the 14th I won't be able to post a chapter because I'm going to be super busy so I might post two chapters either on the 13th or 15th

With how many chapters I'm doing I'm planning on doing 20 chapters but I feel like I'll need to do maybe 3-4 more (I'm not sure yet)

Fun fact I've already wrote the last chapter out and I'm itching to post it but I know I can't💀

Idk how I feel about this chapter but I hope whoever reads this enjoyed it

Anyway whoever reads this I hope you has a good day/good night😌🤌🏻
Remember to stay hydrated and to eat something
Also if you've got someone like marie in your life don't hesitate to slap them 😂💀
If you get in trouble say someone on wattpad told you to😌

Next chapter tomorrow *pretends to know what to put in tomorrow's chapter*👀💀

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