Any other time you'd be panicking but right now it got you excited

I woke up late I'm just getting ready now
I'll probably be 10 minutes tops

You got dressed put some make up on disk your hair and packed your bag before heading out and locking the door
It don't take you that long to get to the English block
You take a moment to catch your breath and pull yourself together
The last thing you want is to be smiling like a crackhead when you look at the professor
You knock the door twice
You can see people are reading so you assume that's all your doing in this lesson
Within a minute Tom opens the door
"Yes?" He says in a serious voice that sends chills down your spine
Act normal act normal act normal
"I'm in this lesson" you reply
He opens the door wider and gestures you to come in
You're on your way to your seat next to Marie when he calls your name
You turn around "yeah?"
He points at the pile of books on his desk "you'll need a book"
You nod while taking one
You turn back around when he says your name again
Fuck sake
You roll your eyes "yes professor"
He sits up in his chair "why are you" he looks at his watch "48 minutes late to my lesson"
You could feel the other students eyes on you
" up late?" You reply
It sounded more like a question more than an answer
For some reason Tom was making you nervous
When he's formal he's so intimidating
"That's not a good enough excuse id like to see you at my office at break"
You try not to smile so you just nod and make your way next to Marie
"Oh my god" she quietly squeals
"What?" You reply looking at her confused
"You've totally had dick that's why you're late and glowing"
You look at Tom and he looks at you giving you a small smirk
It makes you blush and you dart your eyes back at Marie "I-"
Fuck cmon get the words out
"Girl don't even try making excuses..once you get told off by a teacher you're never late for them again but you've been late for professor ellis twice now and you missed his class the other day although he wasn't in so he won't know about that"
You hope Marie don't put two and two together
She may seem a bit dumb but she's clever
You don't know what to say
"Soooooo how was it and who is it what's his name and omg I forgot to ask how are you after yknow getting spiked have you reported it"
She's asking you so many questions at the moment you don't know where to start
What do I call him
The first name that comes into your head is Gary
How was it?
You think back to last night
God it was amazing
It put your ex's to shame
The way he was gentle with you but then he heated thing up
The way he moaned your name will forever be stuck in your head
The neck kisses
His body
Okay stop it now
Your attention moved to her last question about it being reported
Apparently Tom did report it but you haven't asked if somethings came back from the club
"Well come on y/n spill the tea" she whispers
Here goes
Let's hope she buys it
"Well his name is Gary and the sex was amazing
If I didn't have class today I'd of definitely stopped at his and spent all day getting destroyed by him"
Marie's eyes lit up "omg girl"
"And about the club thing we did report it but we haven't heard anything about it so I don't know what's happening"
A voice from behind you says "can you guys shut up and read Jesus Christ"
It was from a girl called Emily
You and Marie knew her from primary
She's a mixture between a geeky teachers pet and a popular stuck up bitch
She's also one of them girls who suffocates everyone with her spray and begs chewing gum off people
Marie sticks a middle finger up to her
That pisses Emily off so she kicks Marie's chair
That catches toms attention
"Ladies what's going on"
"Nothing" Marie says
"Nothing?" Emily questions
"Professor ellis Marie and y/n are distracting me
They're speaking how y/n got railed by this guy called Gary
When I'm reading book I don't want to picture you getting railed by some crusty guy you just met
I want to imagine the Amazon forest"
You don't say anything you're too shocked
Instead you go incredibly red
You avoid looking at Tom
Marie and Emily start arguing about you fucking this dude
And how it's not right to shout someone's business out in class
"Enough!" Tom shouts
"You're arguing as if you're in high school
May I remind you you're in university
You are adults start acting like them
And for you y/n you shouldn't be really discussing things because you're meant to be reading"
You nod

The end of the lesson quickly approached
You waited for everyone to leave before leaving yourself
Putting the book on top of the others on toms desk
You're about to head out
"Y/n" you turn to Tom "yes"
"Remember my office at break"
You nod Before heading out of the door
Marie was outside "I'm sorry"
"Hey don't be sorry I'm happy you stuck up for me"
She shrugs "yeah but now everyone in the class knows you've had sex with a dude..including the professor"
Oh he already knew
"Oh well" you reply
"So what do you have now" Marie asks
"I've got science, how about you"
"Tech" she replies "I'll see you at break?"
You shake your head "he wants to see me"
"Oh shit yeah..well when your done give me a text and I'll come find you alright"
You nod and give Marie and hug before going to your lessons
The science lesson dragged which was strange because it doesn't normally drag but then again it's probably because you're nervous and excited about going to toms office
Why did he want you to go
30 minutes later and the lesson ends
Thank fuck for that
You quickly make your way back to the English block
To toms office
You knock the door and you hear his voice
"Come in"
You open the door and step inside his office and close the door behind you
You stand in front of his desk
He looks up to you "So Gary huh?" He gets up and makes his way to you
Putting his hands around your waist and kissing you
You put your arms around toms neck and kiss him back
You giggle "I'm sorry that's the first name
That came to mind"
"It's fine..I just hope Gary was good"
You suck toms bottom lip before whispering "oh he was amazing"

Notes- if there's no chapter 7 out yet it will be up shortly I'm just editing it
However if it is out then enjoy:)

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