Chapter 1: Mystic Falls

Start from the beginning

"Obviously." I mumble earning a slight shove causing us both to chuckle.

"Anyway, he made me trick a hybrid into killing his sired hybrids in a sacrifice." My eyes widened. "Once I did that he gave my a lead that went Katherine's way. But, I've 'out lived my usefulness' as Katherine says." She explains using her fingers in air quotes.

"So, not only did you piss off Katherine Pierce, but Niklaus Mikaelson too!" I whisper-yell urgently. "The Original. Like really?"

"I know. I'm so sorry. But, Klaus isn't after me. Just Katherine." She covers. "Klaus is the back up I called."

"Hayley! You can't trust an Original." I say smacking her arm.

"I'm not!" She exclaims.  "He's going to protect us against Katherine's lapdog and I'm going to give him information on Katherine." She explains causing me to roll my eyes annoyed.

"Oh my god. You're going to get yourself killed."  I throw my hand up as we walk between two Semi's. "What have y..." I start to say before someone grabs my shoulders and throws me to the ground, before going for Hayley.

Before he can get to her I swing my leg at his causing him to loose his balance. He quickly crawls my way before I can stand and gets a fist full of my hair slamming my head into the concrete repeatedly. Through blurry vision I see him grab Hayley's throat forcing her against the Semi and then throwing her to the ground next to me. I can barely see him advancing on Hayley before someone grabs his shoulder swinging him around. My head falls to the ground as the British stranger says "Have a care, mate.  That's no way to treat a lady." My vision goes dark as Hayley starts shaking me. I can faintly hear Hayley trying to say something, but I can't make her words out. My eyes flutter shut, so I don't know what the Original did to Katherine's vampire. A hand pushes my hair out of my face and someone lifts me up. That's the last I remember before I lose consciousness.

Hayley's Point of View

"Kelsey, stay awake." I plead gently shaking her as Klaus bites and throws our attacker on the ground.

"Who is this?" He inquires while wiping blood off his chin. "You never mentioned there'd be two of you."

"You came." I state the obvious while ignoring his question.

"Well, you did say it was urgent." He smirks as he bends over Kelsey brushing her hair out of her face and going to bite his wrist.

"She's a werewolf. She'll heal." I stop him. He nods before gathering her in his arms as the minion Katherine sent shoots up and takes off. "Oh, don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it through tomorrow night."

"What if there are more?"

"You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to find the cure, and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live, along with your friend here." He gestures to Kelsey, who he is still holding bridal style.

"You said you'd protect me." I sneer back as I walk pass him.

"And I will." He states causing me to turn back to him. "Just as soon as you tell me everything you know about Katerina." Nodding in agreement we get in Kelsey's Chevy Equinox and head to his house. Kelsey is definitely going to kill me.

Kelsey's Point of View

Groaning I grab the covers and throw them over my head to block the sunlight before immediately sitting up remembering what happened last night. I toss the throw blanket that was placed over me and stand up trying to figure out where I am. The bedroom is unfamiliar with white walls, a king bed, and a single dresser in the corner. Hayley's no where to be seen. I slowly make my way to the door and peek out. Everything is quiet. No form of life to be seen. I walk out to the banister and look down to a vacant first floor. Creeping down the steps I start to hear Hayley. I turn the corner and see her sitting at a dinning room table. She's talking to someone I can't see yet.

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now