long awaits (dreamnotnap/smut)

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another long chapter >:D
— cw: degrading kink, slight masturbation and blowjob

2201 words

dream: 22
sapnap: 21
george: 25

tops: sapnap and george
bottom: dream

context: dream is unable to sleep due to george and sapnap in the other room having sex.

dream's pov

another sleepless night.

the last thing i want to wake up to i'm the middle of the night is moaning and a headboard banging against a wall that i've had to repair at least 2 times now! definitely not a way to wake up at 4 in the morning.

i stared up at my ceiling while i listened to my two best friends who didn't know how to keep quiet while they fuck one another. this wasn't the first, second or even third time this has happened since we all moved in together but the 14th time or something.

how do i know?
cause i started keeping track.
i have nothing t better to do on a sleepless night.

i brought my hands to my face and dragged them slowly down and groaned from the lack of sleep and frustration. a loud noise echoed from the other side of the wall as george allowed his pleasure to be heard from the entire street.

i fucking hate this.

i sat up from my mattress, glancing of at the digital clock on one of my nightstands next to my bed, 4:51am. you've gotta me fucking kidding me. i swung my legs over to the side of my bed and stood up, slipping on a simple white t-shirt over my chest and made my way towards the door.

maybe it's the lack of sleep or how long i've been working and trying to pass time or maybe it's the fact that i have helplessly and deeply fell in love with sapnap and george that is making me go into their room and but the unlocked door open.

they both froze and turned to face me, their faces a deep crimson red. i was way too tired to blush at the fact that sapnap was balls deep into george. i leaned against the door frame, glaring at the sharply at them as i crossed my arms and let out a huff in annoyance. my eyes dart over to the clock in their room and then back at them. their gazes followed me and they exchanged a sheepish smile before busting out into laughter.

"it's not funny." i growled, very tired of their shit. their laughter never stopped, "i've gotten little to no sleep cause of you idiots." i added. they stopped laughing and looked at me.

"you were listening to us?" george smirked, my fave slight heated up before i contained myself and gathered up back to composure, "well it's hard not to when you're screaming your lungs out." i replied before shutting the door.

i went back to my own room and got back into bed. just as i got back into bed, their noises continued. just kill me now please. but this time was worse cause they knew now, they knew i was awake.


later, finally the noises stopped but now it was almost sunrise. i got back up from my bed, looking like a mess. opening the fridge and grabbing various amount of fruits to make a fruit salad.

as i was cutting mangos, they walked down the stairs. they had smirks plastered on their faces. yes, they did look cute with the sun shining on their faces but i was upset with them, my eye bags looked dark.

"morning dreamie." sapnap said, i felt my face slightly heat up by the name but didn't answer. "woah, what's up with the silent treatment?" he snickered.

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