meet up (crew boys/smut)

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a lot of people seem to like the crew boys stories so here you go!

2022 words

dream: 22
sapnap: 21
george: 25
karl: 23
quackity: 21

tops: sapnap, quackity and george
bottoms: karl and dream

context: all the crew boys meet up and live in their house and decide to have fun the first day they all see one another.

sapnap's pov

today is the day.
today is the day that i get to meet the crew boys.
since george and i are currently in the same house from the meetup, we were traveling to the airport today.

"you excited to finally see dreams face?" i said adding a chuckle at the end. george looked up and we made eye contact, he nodded his head and looked back down as he continued to tie his shoes.

i can tell he was nervous, i mean i would be too. if you and dream have been best friends for about 5 years and not even seen his face, it would be pretty nerve racking.

"okay, i'm ready." george spoke, i nodded and grabbed the last of our luggage that we haven't put into the car yet and i got into the drivers seat while george took the front seat.

as we were driving, george turned on the radio and we listened to music while yelling the lyrics of familiar songs that played on the channel.

after a long 45 minute drive to the airport we were finally there. i parked the car in an unclaimed spot as we got out and grabbed our luggage before walking into the airport together.

jet lag is gonna suck ass for the next few days.

3rd person pov

sapnap and George boarded the plane and started off the long journey by having a conversation about what they want to do first when they get there.

times flied by and it was already night time so they went to bed, both were silently complaining about how there was no space.

eventually they went to bed.

dreams pov

since the official 'crew boy house' was literally just my house i didn't have to do anything besides cleaning, grocery shopping and a couple other things.

i decided to get groceries first so i grabbed my wallet, phone and keys before leaving my house into my car. i'm not quite sure what everyone wants so i just decided to get things they can try or might want.

while i was driving, i thought of things we can all do together. i wanted to take them to favorite places and we can watch shows and movies at the house.

i was super excited for everyone to show.

3rd person pov

after dream came home with all the different varieties of food in the bags, he unloaded the food into the fridge and pantry.

finally he was done and checked the time, 12:10pm. he still had some time before the first person which would be karl to arrive. he used his time and started cleaning all the rooms in his house.

time skip —

dream was finally done cleaning so he took a break and then the door bell rang. he got up and walked over to the front door. the blonde opened the door and saw karl.

they pulled each other into a hug and swayed side to side for a good couple minutes. when they pulled away, they both inspected the other's looks.

another time skip to when everyone is there cause i'm not sure what to put here (they all unpacked and got settled in btw) —

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