"So, what concerns do you have?" Jin asked carefully.

"Well, nothing new really. Rumors will fly, but they always do. You all seem confident that you can weather any storm. I'm sure rumors will go around about me as well." She just shrugged her shoulders and then continued, "What it comes down to is this, we want to be together. We have been friends and more for a long time now and in the end, we can't hide away forever. That's not fair for any one of us. So, if everyone agrees, I guess we should do it."

"But you weren't in agreement earlier today." Yoongi leaned forward in his seat as he watched her, he still wasn't sure.

"Not really, but I was more upset that you thought I didn't want to do things with you. That I enjoy hiding and being a secret. That was never really the case, but the lack of drama it brought was worth it." Ami did find living like that hard, but the crap she saw online behind the scenes made it worth it for the time being.

"I don't think anyone thought that." Hobi looked around the room. Ami sort of smiled, that isn't what was said, but she didn't want to get into all that. It wasn't going to help anything at this point.

"What's your biggest worry?" Namjoon was sitting next to her and running his fingers around her hand.

Ami sat and thought, she had a laundry list of concerns, but instead of running down the playlist, she chose one of the bigger ones.

"That I will have to move out." She was nervous about that, she didn't want to move away from them.

"Why would that happen?" Jin said quickly.

"Fans know where you live. They may or may not like me knowing you, you've told me that from the first week we met. If they put two and two together...it might be too much drama for your staff to manage." She just sort of looked over at Namjoon as he gave a knowing look at her, understanding exactly what she meant.

Everyone took in what she was saying, and all silently agreed it would be a problem. They all sat there, trying to think of a solution because her moving out was not an option for any of them.

"What if we move?" They heard Tae sort of mumble.

"What?" Ami looked at him confused.

"Well, we have been sort of talking about needing something bigger. Part of this vacation was because we needed more space, but also to take you somewhere." he smiled at her. "So, if we found somewhere bigger, but with better security options so our staff wouldn't be overwhelmed, would that work?"

Namjoon looked over at Jin, "That might be a good solution...what do the rest of you think? Should we seriously look into it?"

Ami just sat there, looking confused. Yoongi smiled, "Honey, you aren't moving out. If one of your biggest concerns is your safety, our safety, or that of our staff... we will just find a new place that has what we need for you."

She just sat there, with her mouth open, completely shocked they would just decide to up and move so quickly and just for her. Namjoon laughed and pulled her over, "I don't know if I've seen you speechless before."

"You would do that?" she still could barely get her brain to wrap around what they were proposing.

"Would that help solve your problem?" Hobi smiled, equally enjoying watching her speechless.

"Well, yeah... I guess..." she stammered.

"Great! Let's make a list!" Jimin jumped up to find some paper and a pen.

"A list? A list for what?" Ami's head was trying to get a grip as she watched Jimin run to look in the kitchen drawers.

"A wants and needs list for a new place." Jungkook smiled, "We need something to give to Su so he can help us find a place."

"I don't know what you pay him, but it needs to be doubled," she muttered. Namjoon just kissed her ear and said quietly, "What are your wants and needs for the new place?"

She looked over at him, "What do you mean?"

"Well, baby, this is your place too, so you have a say." he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips while she just stared at him, barely blinking. She started hearing the guys yell out ideas...

"Everyone needs their own bedroom!"

"... and bathrooms..."

"Big kitchen!"

"Guest house.."


"Studio space.."

The ideas just kept being shouted out while Jimin frantically wrote them down.

"Pool, so she had a place to wear those suits..."

"Hot tub!"

"Gaming room!"

"What do you want, Ami?" Hobi looked over at her as if he was asking what she wanted for dinner.

"Are there even places like this out there?" she stared at him. The place they were describing sounded like something you would only see in a movie. After they seemed to exhaust every possible option for a new home, Namjoon asked her again. "What do you want?"

"I honestly don't think you guys left anything out." she just shook her head at him.

"I know what she wants," Yoongi said with a big smile. She just looked at him confused, he pointed up the stairs, "She wants that bed." They watched her face turn into a big grin. "I do love that bed."

"Done, baby." Namjoon kissed her cheek and picked up his phone to call Su and put him on speaker phone.

"Su! Remember when we talked about wanting a bigger place?"

"I do, are you guys ready?"

"We are, Jimin's going to send you a list of wants and needs, and we are hoping to get as close as we can. Security is the most important thing for her." Jimin took a picture of the list and sent it to him.

"I just got the list... OK.. doesn't look too bad. I'll call you back."

"Thank you!" Namjoon hung up the phone and just turned and smiled at the group. Everyone was excited about the possibility of a new place, and one that she would be comfortable in.

Ami was still just looking like a deer in the headlight of what just transpired. "So, what happens next?"

"Now, we get back to you." Jin smiled at her.


"Yes, that's where we started this conversation, Love." Hobi sat back, "Do you have any other concerns?"

"I have no idea." she just stared blankly at him while Hobi smiled back.

"OK then, let's take a break and go swim! I want to see you up close in that suit." Jimin jumped up and pulled her out of Namjoon's arms, dragging her outside towards the pool.

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