Chapter 6

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Ami woke up back in the bed, her memory was cloudy of how she got back there. She looked over and saw a small older man with glasses changing the bandages on her arm. He looked up at her and smiled, she noticed he had kind eyes. "How are you feeling? I'm Dr. Lee. Your arm is healing nicely, make sure you keep the bandages clean though, OK?"

"I just feel so tired," Ami whispered, even speaking felt like it was too much work.

"Well, that's to be expected, dear. The guys told me you just got here a few days ago, so I'm sure you are jet lagged plus you are still recovering from your high fever last night. You need to rest as much as you can so you can heal quickly. OK?" Dr. Lee handed her some more medicine with some water. "You can't push it or it will take longer to heal."

"Thank you for your help, please let me know what I owe you for these visits." Ami slowly sat up and took the medicine and a few sips of water.

"Oh my dear, don't worry about that." his smile was warm as he patted her arm. "Now lay back down and get some sleep. You are in good care here. I'll call and check in on you tomorrow, OK?"

Before he could even leave the room she couldn't keep her eyes open and drifted back off to a deep slumber. He rechecked her pulse, and being satisfied he left to update the guys. "How is she?" Namjoon stood up and asked as soon as he rounded the corner. 'Why was he feeling so nervous and protective of her?' He thought to himself.

"Her arm is healing fine, but she is exhausted from traveling and her illness. She needs to just sleep and rest, but she will be OK in a day or so." He said as he was repacking his bags. "Were you able to get a hold of her family?"

"She said she doesn't have any friends or family in the area," Hobi spoke up, it still seemed so unbelievable she didn't know anyone in the area.

"Well, then I would suggest she stays here before she goes home so you can keep an eye on her. She isn't strong enough yet. When she does go back let me know so I can check in on her." He packed up his things and grabbed his coat.

"We will keep you updated. Thank you again for coming." Jin showed him to the door.

The guys all settled down in the living room, "Do you really think she doesn't know who we are?" Tae asked. "I mean, it's not impossible, but it's been so long to have a conversation with someone who hasn't at least heard of us, it's refreshing."

"She's lived overseas for a long time, so it's more likely I suppose." Yoongi contemplated. "She seems genuine, and wasn't overwhelmed or flustered when meeting us as some people are."

"Well, I like her." Jimin smiled, "she can stay as long as she needs to recover." With that, he flipped on the TV and settled onto the couch. Jin and Hobi wandered off to the kitchen to clean up from breakfast.

Namjoon slipped back into the bedroom to check on her, he was happy to see she was sleeping peacefully. As he pulled the blankets up on her he put his hands on her face to see if her fever had returned. He cupped her cheek with his hand and she snuggled into it for a second and let out a sigh. 'I hope you feel better soon' he thought to himself as he pushed her hair off her face.

He closed the curtains to block the sun and went back out to watch TV with Jimin and wait for her to wake up.


Ami woke up to the sun setting and feeling so much better. Her body wasn't as achy and her head was more clear. "I must have slept all day," she muttered to herself. She got up, cleaned up a bit, and headed out to the living room.

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