Grand Opening!💕

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Airis was sitting in her maid uniform, watching form the couch as Aphmau was yelling at Lucinda over the phone. It was the opening day for the Maid Cafe, and everyone was either stressed, excited or just down right nervous to bits. Airis, however, was more than excited. She was going to be part of a new stage in Aphmau's life, and Airis wanted to make it the best with her own strength.

"LUCINDA!" Aphmau shouted over the phone, "YOU SLEEP LIKE 18 HOURS OF THE DAY...! MY fault!? How is this my fault?! You gave me this potion saying it only lasted for an hour! Now it lasted for more than two days!"

Airis chuckled at the predicament. Two days ago, Lucinda had given Aphmau a potion to experiment with. It was a harmless transformation potion, and it changed Aphmau to give her werewolf ears and a tail. Lucinda said that it would only last one hour... but it's been two days since then and the ears and tail didn't go away.

"I did come to your house each day! But you were sleeping!" Aphmau continued to shout, "Lucinda! Pleaaseeee.... I NEED your help here! The maid cafe is about to open. There are newspaper people here and my picture will be in the newspaper! I wanna look normal for this."

"But, werewolves are normal though." Airis thought to herself.


Aphmau growled in frustration just as Gene walked in wearing his butler uniform.

"What do you got against being a werewolf anyway?" Gene asked.

"Gene!" Aphmau shouted.

"What?? I'm just sayin... you act like it's a bad thing."

"NO!... It's not a bad thing at all... After all, Airis is a werewolf."

"She is?" Gene asked looking over at Airis. The little girl smiled and allowed her ears and tail to show, her tail wagging happily.

"Wow, who would've thought."

"Yeah, we were pretty shocked, too. But that's besides the point!" Aphmau continued, her anger and frustration coming back, "I'm NOT a werewolf. So... it's weird."

"So then why did you turn yourself into a werewolf in the first place?" Gene asked.

"Auntie Lucinda was testing out a new potion and gave it to Aphmau. It still hasn't worn off yet." Airis explained laughing.

"Well, you look really cute as one, Aphmau." Gene complimented, "Heh... I might like you even better this way."

Aphmau scoffed, "How rude!"

"Maybe Aaron does too~~"

"SHUT UP!!" Aphmau shouted.

"Hmmm but... the cat ears and tail would--"

"Alright ENOUGH!" Zane shouted, bursting into the room wearing his own uniform, "Don't you think you're being a little creepy now? You shouldn't act so creepily in front of Airis."

"Creepy?" Gene questioned, "Uh no. I'm just complimenting Aphmau on her appearance. She's not feeling 100%, so I figured being honest with her. Just to cheer her up. Shouldn't Airis have a good example of ow to compliment someone who looks nice?"

"Pfftt!! HONEST!? You're not being honest with her!" Zane shouted, "If you were being honest, you would tell her she doesn't look like herself! You'd tell her she looks terrible with those ears on, it's doesn't suit her well!"

"Uncle Zane, be careful what you say." Airis said.

"Also, she kinda smells like a dog that's rolled around in flowers. Plus, the tail really brings out her hips so she looks kinda wide... not in a BAD way... but still. Telling her that would be what an honest and real friend would do!"

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