My First A-con

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After a long drive, a couple of stops, and plenty of naps in the back of the car on Mr. Aaron's lap, we had finally made it to our final destination: A-con! A place where people celebrated the amazing source of entertainment we call.... ANIME!!!

However, the convention wouldn't be starting until tomorrow, so we had the entire day to just relax and go over our costumes. I stood in the hotel just across from the convention center with Ms. Aphmau, Mr. Aaron, and Mr. Zane, waiting to check into our rooms.

"Tada! We're here! Welcome to A-con 2016!" Ms. Aphmau said excitedly.

"Is this it?" Mr. Zane asked. Ms. Aphmau looked at him confused.

"It wasn't what I was imagining at all."

Ms. Aphmau laughed, "Zane, silly. This isn't the convention. The convention starts tomorrow. This is the hotel we'll be staying in. Have you ever been to an anime convention, Zane?"

Mr. Zane's face, what we could see anyway, turned cherry pink, "N-No."


"Nope." He answered.

"Ah! Then you're in for a treat, so will you, Airis, since I'm guessing you've never been to an anime convetion either, have you?"

I shook my head no. Until I started living with Ms. Aphmau, I didn't know what anime was, or any kind of cartoons. All I ever learned about the world was how to care for it and its creatures. That's all Mama and Papa really taught me, besides magic and other things.

"I can't wait to see what costumes you've made. But, we'll wear them tomorrow."

"Do we have to?" Mr. Zane groaned.

"I'm not sure I feel comfortable walking around in a costume..." Mr. Aaron said.

"What are you talking about, Aaron?" Ms. Aphmau asked, "You walk around without a shirt the majority of the time."

That confused me, too. One of Mr. Aaron's costumes was Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail, and form what I've watched, that character shows a lot of skin. Some of stripping problem or something. Why would Mr. Aaron pick a character that hardly wears a shirt or clothes for that matter, when he says that he's not comfortable in wearing a costume? 

"Are you looking at me?" Mr. Aaron asked Ms. Aphmau, taking me away from my thoughts and diverting my attention back to the conversation.

Ms. Aphmau's face turned bright red, rivaling a cherry tomato, "Of course I a-- I-I mean no.." She laughed nervously trying to hide her bright red face.

"I don't mind.." Mr. Aaron said chuckling. I smiled at their teasing each other. Mama and Papa used to do things like that all the time. And from what I could see, their souls were a perfect match. I knew they would be a perfect match for each other, but they were too nervous to admit their feelings towards each other. 

However, Mr. Aaron seems to be getting more bold. His angry behavior at the dinner with Mrs. Ro'meave, fighting with the others over her, it was clear he liked her, but something kept him from saying how he felt. In a way, he acted a lot like Papa.

"S-Should I leave you two alone?! I'll take Airis with me if you want privacy." Mr. Zane questioned. 

"Aphmau~Senpai!" A voice squealed from the other side of the lobby. We turned towards the voice and saw Ms. Kawaii~chan running towards us. I had almost forgotten that she was coming to the convention as well.

"Wow! Is Aphmau~Senpai okay? Your face is burning bright red!"

"Kawaii~chan! I have never been so glad to have you interrupt!" Ms. Aphmau sighed in relief.

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