Beach Puppy

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A/N Just a quick announcement before we start this chapter today. Up until this point, I've been switching POVs, which I've done for a lot of my previous stories and have grown used to. But since the Mystreet series is a little complicated with the slice of life theme to it, I've decided that switching POVs have become too tedious for me to continue. So, from this point on the story will be written in 3rd person. I'm sorry for the inconvenience for those who enjoy switched POVs. I hope you continue to enjoy the story even with this change. Thank you!

Love~Love Paradise, a beautiful resort known for it's incredible beaches, amazing food and beautiful landscapes. The perfect vacation spot for those lucky enough to get tickets before they were sold out.

In a large white beach house, several of these lucky people who managed to get tickets were just waking up. One of them being a small girl with bright blue hair. 

Airis slowly opened her eyes to see the bright sunrise outside her window. She almost panicked when she didn't feel Aphmau sleeping by her side, but the events of the previous day came rushing back to her mind. She had told Aphmau and Aaron that she would give them the bed, and the she needed to learn how to sleep on her own. 

"Hey, Airis? Are you awake yet?" Aphmau called out to Airis, grabbing the little girl's attention. Airis looked across the room and nodded at the raven haired woman.

"Did you sleep well? I know this is the first time you didn't sleep with me." 

Airis shook her head, jumping off the bed and running over to Aphmau. Aphmau smiled and grabbed Airis' hand.

"Now, how about we go wake up Aaron?" She said, the little girl agreeing with her. The two went downstairs where Aaron slept, but Aphmau stopped as soon as she saw Aaron with Garroth lying halway on top of him.

"Oh, this is gonna be so good." Aphmau giggled, picking Airis up in her arms and tiptoeing over to the from the pull out bed.

"Oh Aaron~ Wake up~" Aphmau called out. 

Aaron stirred a little, turning over to his right and slowly opening his eyes, seeing a sleeping Garroth too close for his own comfort.

"Huh?! What?!" He yelped, jumping out of the bed and landing on the floor.

Aphmau and Airis laughed, "Have fun cuddling with Garroth? I'm super jelly." Aphmau laughed.

"Haha. Very funny." Aaron grumbled.

"That was cute. How did you sleep last night?"

Aaron sighed, "Aside from Garroth mistaking me for his pillow, I guess I slept all right. He snores though. Really bad."

"Aw... I'm sorry Aaron. You really didn't have to do that." Aphmau said.

"I know, but I want to get along with everyone. Which means Katelyn needs to trust me. I don't want to upset her."

Aphmau smiled, "I appreciate that. Don't worry she'll come around. She's just been finicky with guys since high school." Airis smiled and reached for Aaron to hold her instead. Aaron smiled back and took Airis into his arms.

"Morning." A grumbly voice said from the stairs. The three turned around and saw Zane and Dante coming down.

"Morning guys." Dante said cheerfully, "How'd you all sleep?"

"Meh." Aaron answered.

"I slept well, and so did Airis." Aphmau answered for both her and Airis.

"Like a Queen." Katelyn said as she too came down the stairs to join the group.

"Well, since we're all here, we should plan something out." Dante suggested.

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