Fall Maze

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"So, how's everyone's pumpkins going?" Aaron asked as everyone carved their pumpkins.

"Going great!" Laurence said, "Just need to add a few more details."

"My pumpkin is going to be better than yours Aaron." Aphmau gloated.

"And how do you know that?" He asked with a smirk.

"I just know!"

"I think mine will be done soon, Aaron." Airis said happily. She hovered her hands around, using levitation magic to pick up the sharp tools and carve the pumpkin. It was coming along a lot better than she thought, since it was her first time really carving a pumpkin.

"Wow, Airis, it's really coming together well." Aaron said as he looked at her large pumpkin carving. Airis stopped for a moment and turned to smile at him. After they finished their pumpkins, they dragged them out to the judging tables.

"Hey, nice pumpkin Uncle Laurance." Airis said.

"Thanks, Airis. Not too bad yourself!" He replied.

"Here's mine." Zane said, presenting his pumpkin with a simple knife through the top of it, "Do you guys thing we're going to win this? There's some heavy competition here."

"We could try. Besides, this is just for fun." Aaron pointed out, "I don't think that anyone here is really serious about winning."

"I SWEAR I BETTER WIN THIS PUMPKIN COMPETITION!" They heard Travis shouting on the other side of a large group of pumpkins.

"Is that... Travis?" Aphmau asked, "Travis, hey!"

"Ga... Gah ah! Hey!" Travis shouted back, "Aphmau, Zane, Aaron, Laurence, Airis. That scared me. When did you all get here?"

"We've been here for a little while, Uncle." Airis said as Aaron hoisted her up onto his shoulders.

"When did you get here?" Aphmau asked.

"8 a.m." Travis answered. It got so quiet you could hear the crickets chirping all around them.

"I wanted to make sure I carved the best pumpkin!" Travis exclaimed.

"I think Airis beat you on that one, Travis." Zane said, gesturing to Airis' pumpkin.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Travis shouted, "HOW DID A KID CARVE THAT?!"

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"WHAT THE HECK?!" Travis shouted, "HOW DID A KID CARVE THAT?!"

Airis chuckled and folder her hands on top of Aaron's head, laying her cheek on her folded hands.

"Trade secret." Was the only thing she said with a cheeky smile, "But what about everything else in the festival? Did you find any good attractions, Uncle?"

"Oh yeah, there's a lot to do here. Isn't Fall the best season?" Travis asked.

"Without a doubt." Aphmau answered.

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