part 4

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glenn and marcella stood at the door of beth's room, watching as hershel comforted his ill daughter.

"how is she?" glenn questioned, his hands in his pocket.

"seems to be in good spirits today, arnt you little bug?" hershel replied, kissing beth on her forehead as he left the room to talk to marcella and glenn. marcella couldn't help but smile at the interaction between father and daughter, appreciating how good of a father hershel was.

"let us know if we can do anything to help." marcella commented, as hershel joined the couple in the lounge area.

"glenn, where is your family from?" hershel questioned the boy.

"michigan, but before that korea." glenn answered, confused on where hershel was going with this.

"immigrants built this country, never forget that. what about you, marcella?" hershel continued.

"england, but my family moved to virginia when i was a kid." marcella answered.

"my family came from ireland." hershel stated.

"yeah, maggie greene, we figured." marcella lightly smiled, glenn smiling along.

"my grandfather brought this from the old country, he passed it onto my father, who passed it onto me." hershel began, pulling out a watch. "i pawned it to pay for a a night of drinking i no longer remember."

"but you bought it back." glenn smiled.

"my late wife did, josephine- maggie's mother. she gave it back years later, when i sobered up. she was a good woman, my jo. maggie is a lot like her." there was a peaceful silence until hershel spoke up again.

"after the bar and the barn, i've been thinking alot, i've began to understand things that before your group, i refused to even acknowledge. you see, i would've liked to pass this down to maggie's husband but that's not an option i'll have in this world, but recently i've seen how precious you both are to maggie, her best friends." and with that, hershel passed over the little ticking pocket watch to marcella, who took it with a bright smile of appreciation.

"are you sure" glenn spoke.

"yes, i'm sure."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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