part 11

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marcella then stood back up, putting a hand on a devastated rick's shoulder in comfort as he stood defeated. rick wanted to compromise with hershel as to make sure his group can stay on the farm but shane has completely ruined that now.

"i'm sorry." marcella told rick sincerely, the older man just looked at her confused and saddened, not understanding why she felt the need to apologise.

soon, the gun shots and walker moans died down to nothing- they were all dead, it was over.

marcella stood just watching the bodies, just as everyone else was. rick had an arms loosely around the younger woman's shoulder as to steady him, marcella didn't mind, if anything it was almost comforting.

dale walked towards the scene, surprising marcella as she hadn't even noticed that he was missing.

however marcella's attention was soon stolen by the faint sound of moans coming from the barn. there was still one in there.

as the small walker slowly stumbled out of the barn, marcella's breath hitched in her throat in surprise. she couldn't breath for a few seconds, in fact she couldn't function at all.

the small girl that wandered out, looking so innocent and lost- just as she always did when she was alive, was sophia.

marcella noticed glenn whip his head around towards her with a worried look on his face and as much as she tried to give him a smile as to stop him from worrying about her, marcella just couldn't.

"oh, oh god. sophia, sophia!" carol tried to run towards her daughter, yet daryl caught her, dragging the woman down to the ground with him.

nobody dare move to put down the little girl- nobody felt that it was their place too. not even shane had the desire of killing the walker.

but after a long moment, marcella realised that she had to do it- she had to do it for carol, for her sophia, for every person there and for her own daughter who she didn't get to say goodbye too. carol knew that marcella had been through losing her own daughter, therefore somehow it felt right for her to be the one to end sophia.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now