part 4

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immediately marcella was forced against a tree, her nose definitely bleeding now from the impact, as her face and the front of her body had been forced against the hard surface.

"you ready, little girl?" the man grumbled into marcella's ear.

and that was it, that was what angered her beyond everything; marcella was not a 'little girl' as sophia is described as. and she is not going to end up another lost, helpless girl in the woods. she's not going to leave glenn with a lack of answers on wether she's alive, dead or in between.

because marcella was strong and now she finally knew it.

as the man loosened his pressure on marcella for a moment, unbuttoning his trousers, marcella took the opportunity to take out a small hunting knife and stab him in the side.

it was the only place marcella could reach from her awkward position, but it worked.

"aghhh! you crazy bitch!" the man broke away from marcella, leaving a chance for her to run. but she didn't run.

after reaching for her machete, marcella sliced the visibly dirty man's hand straight off.

marcella figured he would die of blood loss as he frantically ran off, but she didn't care.


"any luck?" daryl questioned in his rough voice as marcella approached him.

"no. you?" from marcella's tone, daryl could tell that something was wrong but he decided not to question it.

"found a barn, little sleeping area set up, could only fit a kid." daryl explained, causing the young scientist to nod. "what happened to your nose?"

"fell over." marcella stated as she began to walk off, cleaning up her nose with her hand as the two walked back to camp.

as marcella and daryl approached their group's setup, carol and shane walked up to them.

"did you find anything?" carol questioned.

"a barn, had a sleeping area set up, only big enough for a child." daryl explained to the two, mainly carol.

marcella began to walk towards her tent, eager to find glenn. "he's out, pharmacy run with maggie." andrea told her, marcella just sighing in response before walking off to the house.

"what's wrong with her?" andrea asked daryl in an annoyed tone.

"i dunno what, but something happened out there."

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now